Thursday, March 31, 2016

Healthy Eating Group- what to expect!

So you're thinking of joining my 5-Day Healthy Eating group- yay! That's the first step. I want to make sure you're prepared and know what to expect. Why start with a clean eating group? Because that's the 98%! If you do a 30 minute workout each day (like the 21 Day Fix workouts) you then have 98% more of your day to fight in the kitchen.

First- I'll talk about meal prep, recipes and helpful tips 2-3 times a day. This group is designed to spark inspiration, show you that eating well isn't a hassle (or boring!) and provide support for you.

Second- you should add to the conversation! Ask questions, post tips about that post that you know, add your friends and family to the group!

Third- once the group is done I'm still here for you. I've amassed tons of recipes that are family friendly, kid friendly, and more. I'll be checking in to see what help and support you need to get on the right track with your nutrition.

Is it all kale and water with lemon? No! It's good for you food that is balanced (all food groups are represented!) and hits all points of nutrition. It's based on the 21 Day Fix container system, but you do not have to purchase the containers. It's tasty, it's healthy and best of all- it's not expensive to make.  There will even be room for drinking (gasp!) alcohol and enjoying (double gasp!) chocolate and treats.

Who is eligible for this Clean Eating group? Anyone interested in learning tips on how to eat better! It's free to join- and it's better with friends. Do you have someone in mind who you'd like to join you? Feel free to share this page with them- and get them signed up!

Ready to start? 
Fill out the Clean Eating group interest survey- here
Done fill out the form? Request to join- here!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


I spent some time last night putting together materials to be prepared for my first accountability group. I have such high hopes for this group and want to set them up for success- but not be a crazy person at the same time. The struggle is real.. ;)

I took some time to put together our Group Expectations. I think it's important to be up front with folks so that they (and the group) can be successful. I also sent them a survey with some pre-group questions and made them check off that they'll follow our expectations. I'm having them fill this out before they are allowed in to the group.

Seeing their responses makes me even MORE excited (if that is possible!). Such high (and very achievable!) dreams and hopes. I love the dreamers, the positive ones, the ones who believe they can do anything.

I'm working on posts leading up to our start date (4/11/16) that will help them feel more prepared for diving in. I'm also working on my tips and tricks, things I wish I'd known and more ideas to motivate them for the entire 21 days. I can't wait to see what these folks do in just 21 days.

Meals for 3/30/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Whole wheat macaroni,  Fixate turkey meatballs, parm (1 yellow, 1 red, 1/4 blue)

Dinner: Crockpot pork, chips, black beans, tomatoes, lettuce, avocado (1 blue, 2 red, 1 yellow, 1 green)

Snacks: Apple (1 purple)

Workout: Day off (again...) due to sinus pressure. My head WILL explode soon. 

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

My Vision Board and Meals for 3/29/16

Dinner- LOVE avocado!
I've got goals. BIG scary goals, little goals, in-between goals. Goals for my full time job, personal life, BeachBody job and mroe. I worked with a fantastic Life Coach about a year ago and she encouraged me to write down my goals and vision and to practice putting out what I want and need in to the universe. My goals are evolving and I hadn't made a vision board recently- so what did I do?

I made a vision board. :) I'm a believer in visualization and how it can positive impact situations and refocus you. I love how BeachBody has three vital behaviors for a successful business and one of those is professional development. Given my background in Higher Education I'm a big believer in this and it's positive impact. My current pro devo is listening to National Wakeup Calls from BeachBody (podcasts) in the car on the way to and from work. I learn so much from these highly ranked coaches and love the nuggets they provide! I also just started reading Jab, Jab, Jab- Right Hook which is applicable to both my brewery and BeachBody jobs.  Social media interaction is fascinating from a business lens.

One thing I'm focused on right is sharing my story. I realize that not everyone knows it and not everyone understands the impact that a good diet and working out has had on me personally and professionally. So, I'm working on sharing my story so it makes sense and hopefully touches someone else in a positive way.

Anyhow- back to this vision board. Here is what I put on it:

My goals?
Be able to pay child care for Zeke (and perhaps another baby!) easily
New kitchen cabinets- have enough money to pay for these
Pay Ryan's car off
Build a BeachBody team of 5 coaches by the end of the year
Purchase a CSA for fresh veggies all summer long (and learn to can/freeze!)
Be financially free enough to take two paid vacations a year
Tone and lean out for the summer- really focus on my abs and upping weights

It's a mix of financial, physical and business related. I took this image and put it as the background on my phone so I'll see it a lot. I'm excited that we've paid our credit card debt off we can use any extra income towards these goals and dreams. Some are shared with Ryan and some are totally my own. I'm ready to concentrate on them, begin paving the path and see where it takes me!

An apple a day, right?
Meals for 3.29.16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen berries. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Whole wheat macaroni, Fixate turkey meatballs, parm (1 yellow, 1 red, 1/4 blue)

Dinner: Eggs, cheddar cheese, asparagus, turkey bacon, toast with avocado (1.5 red, 3/4 blue, 1/2 green, 1 yellow)

Snacks: Apple (1 purple)

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

She is Risen! Happy Easter!

Woke up this morning and did the usual body scan. The last 6 days have been rough all around- physically, mentally and emotionally. Feeling cooped up in the house, not being able to workout, the darn flu. It sucks!   Today though- the body scan came back "I feel okay!". Maybe I don't need to take ibuprofen and Mucinex right away. Maybe I could actually workout? Maybe?
Moments of quiet before
the boys got up!

I rolled out of bed around 9:15a to the pitter patter of Penny's toenails. 9:15, wait, what?! Crazy that both boys were still sleeping and poor Penny had her back legs crossed. So, I let her out and opened up my phone to do the usual social media scanning. Zeke got up around 9:30a and Ryan shortly after. After breakfast (Shakeology for me!) Zeke got to open his Easter basket.

Happy Easter!
Ryan is so incredibly sweet that he made me and Zeke our baskets and I failed again to make him one. I feel badly- next year, right? Zeke of course loved it- it included candy and toys. What isn't there to love?  I then headed down to see how a workout would feel. I decided to start over with this round of the 21 Day Fix so it was Total Body Cardio time. Last week I did it with 8lbs which was a total challenge but given that I'm just at about 75% healthy right now I went down to 5lbs. 

The workout felt good, I sweat a lot and I'm sure my face was tomato red the whole time. Just 4 days off and I feel less strong- though it could be that I'm not 100% up to par yet! I'm looking forward to resetting myself, eating on point and getting in to shape for my upcoming trips.

I snuck in a nap this afternoon and Ryan cooked a delicious Easter dinner. Now I'm going to tuck in to The Body Book by Cameron Diaz- so far I like it. 

Meals for 3/27/16:
Breakfast: Vanilla Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach and frozen banana. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)
Protein packed lunch

Lunch: Two slices of turkey bacon, one egg, four stalks of asparagus, queso fresco (1 red, 1/2 green, 1/2 blue)

Dinner: Ham slice, canned green beans, crushed pineapple, scallop potatoes (1/5 red, 1 green, 1/2 purple, 2 yellow)

Snacks: Apple w/ PB (1 purple, 1 tsp)

Workout: Given I had taken 4 days off I thought it best to start the 21 Day Fix over again. So- Day 1, workout 1: Total Body Cardio. Went back down to 5lb weights to take it a bit easier and the workout felt great.

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ricotta Bowl deliciousness and Meals for 3/24/16

Dinner pre-baking
We got a TON of snow last night.. yes, on March 23rd. Typical Minnesota. This morning Zeke woke up feeling miserable again so I stayed home with him until Ryan could watch him after lunch. I woke up feeling like a new women- seriously. Thank goodness this flu/cold took a sharp left turn and I'm feeling human again. I mean, when I woke up I was scanning my body and then sat up realizing I didn't feel like complete poo. YUS.

Is it weird to say I missed working? Yea. Maybe? I really do love my job working for a craft brewery. I mean, really, really love my job. It was good to be able to get in to work this afternoon!

This morning I woke up and got breakfast ready for Zeke after I made my morning Shakeology. Tonight I am trying a new recipe- chicken wrapped asparagus. I am marinating it in Italian dressing for some extra flavor and may stuff some ricotta up in there, too.

Sickie one and sickie two- snuggle buggin'
I got to go to work for a 1/2 day, hacked through some emails and a meeting. Still feeling a bit under the weather- so it's an early night to bed for this family! Sorry for the short posts... still recovering and feeling a bit lazy!

Meals for 3/24/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Ezekiel toast with PB, handful of cashews (1 yellow, 1 tsp, 1 blue)

Dinner: Chicken wrapped asparagus (2 red, 1 green)

Snack: Ricotta Bowls from Spoon Me (1/2 red, 1/4 purple)

Workout: Took another rest day to ensure this flu/cold is kicked. Back at it tomorrow!

Recipe:Ricotta Bowls (from Spoon Me):
Ricotta bowl- yum!

"1 cup fat free ricotta

1 whole egg

2tbsp oat flour

1 ½ tsp honey

¼tsp vanilla

½ tsp cinnamon

½ purple container, fruit of choice

Mix all ingredients together except the berries. Using 2 ramekins, divide the berries (1/4 purple container) and place berries in the bottom of each ramekin. Pour your batter over the berries and place some additional berries on top, lightly pressing them into the batter. Bake at 400 for 30-35 minutes until set and tops are golden brown. Let cool approximately 5 minutes. Serve warm or chill (my favorite)! *it resembles bread pudding

Makes 2 servings
Each serving-
1/2 red, 1/4 purple "

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Muscle Soreness

Today's topic is muscle soreness. No, not the horribly achey flu kind I'm experiencing but soreness from working out. It's the BEST kind of soreness. When I did my first day of the 21 Day Fix (Total Body Cardio) and woke up the next morning feeling like I couldn't even sit on a toilet properly, I knew this program was legit.

I love feeling soreness. To me it is the mark of a good workout, but sometimes it can get out of hand where you don't even want to push play because you're so darn sore! Anyone else experienced that?  Here are a few tips to combat and ease muscle soreness:

*Get enough protein! That soreness is your muscles creating tiny tears that your body then looks for protein to help mend and recover. The 21 Day Fix program, even in the lowest bracket, has at least 4 protein servings per day. I get mine in the morning from Shakeology (duh!) and the rest of the day balance between dairy protein, meat and others. I wrote a post about the red (protein) container, here. 

*Foam roll. You can find foam rollers at Walmart and Target these days - or any sporting goods store. Foam rolling hurts. so. good. It also helps ease muscle soreness. Here is a great article about foam rolling and ways to do it so it really helps!

*Drink enough water. Flush out toxins, aid muscle repair and so many more reasons to stay hydrated. When you're working out you are sweating and being dehydrated makes already sore muscles even worse. Divide your body weight by two- that is how many ounces per day you should be drinking!

*Ibuprofen. Yes- I said it. It's okay to take a pain reliever if it is that bad! Ibuprofen will help with the muscle inflammation and aid with the pain you're feeling in the moment.

*Get some sleep. For your body to recover you need to be getting adequate sleep, especially if you're working out and experiencing muscle soreness. So many amazing things happen when you sleep and muscle repair is one of them!

*Look in to supplements. I take BCAAs after I work out and before bed to help ease soreness. BeachBody has amazing workout supplements including Recover and Recharge. If I workout extra hard in the morning I most definitely take Recharge at night and I swear it helps me sleep better and eases muscle soreness. If your muscles are less sore you can push harder during that next workout- win win!

*Along the topic of protein- be sure you're fueling your body with healthy food. If you hammer down a cheeseburger and fries after your workout, your body most likely is not getting what it needs to repair. I love the 21 Day Fix meal plan because it is a balance of all types of food that helps my body repair itself with the nutrients it needs.

*Take a bath. There's not much better than a hot bath to ease muscle soreness. Put some epsom salts in there, too, for good measure. I also like to ice right after (especially after leg day) and then take a hot shower or bath at night.

These are just a few! I'm sure there are more tips out there, won't you share them with me in the comments? I'd love to add to the list!

Meals for 3/23/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Whole wheat macaroni, Fixate tomato sauce, Fixate turkey meatballs, parm with a cut up apple and PB (1 yellow, 1 green, 1 red, 1/4 blue, 1 purple, 2 tsp)

Dinner: Fell off the rails and gave in to this horrible sickness- enjoyed (every bite) of a Wendy's chicken sandwich, double cheeseburger and Klondike bar. Sometimes you just give in- the 80/20 rule, folks!

Workout: Took the day off to rest and recover... darn you flu!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Monday, March 21, 2016

The 21 Day Fix

Ever since I began this journey on November 4th, 2015 I keep wondering what is working and why it is working. Certainly when I began in November I had NO idea it would stick- and I had many doubts that crept up in my mind. Will this just be a fad? Will it only last for a bit? Will I put any weight I lose right back on? Can I sustain this healthy lifestyle?
Officially down 32.6lbs
since 11/4/15

So, so many of those questions are 100% the little demons in my head- those voices that say you're not good enough, not perfect, not strong enough. Those voices suck. They really suck. We all have them- right? Doubts, nagging thoughts, recurring issues. 

Well- they can suck it. Here I am, almost 5 months later and 32+ pounds lighter, fitting in to clothing 4 sizes from where I started and seeing muscles develop that I didn't even know existed. Are those voices there, still? Uh, duh- yes! But I'm shutting them up each time I prepare a healthy meal and get that workout in. I'm shutting them up by helping others and holding myself accountable to myself and others around me. 

The focus for today is going to be the 21 Day Fix and why I think it worked (and still works!) for me. First- the 21 Day Fix is a workout DVD program by BeachBody (who I'm a coach for) that gives you seven unique workouts (1 per day) for a total body workout throughout the week. You workout for 30 minutes each day with a different planned program- all at home.

Why was it different... why did it stick... here goes:

1- It takes the brain work out of it. When you order the 21 Day Fix you get the workout DVDs (and a bonus DVD if you order from me) as well as the 21 Day Fix containers. You're given a booklet with the list of foods, recipes and of course the scheduled workouts. You don't have to count points, calories or macros (see more below). You don't have to worry about what workout to do or what cardio to fit in (see more below)- it is all given to you in a well-researched and thought out program. 

1a- The workouts are lined out for you. You don't have to wander around a gym wondering what to do next, how to use a machine or how to pair workouts together to get results. Autumn lays out the workouts, in order of when to do them, for the entire 21 days. You can do every workout in your home with a DVD player, weights (light and heavy set) and a bit of space. Bonus: They're ONLY 30 minutes. I LOVE this aspect because I can get up at the same time every morning, pound out that workout and get on with my day. 

There are seven workouts- one for each day: *Total Body Cardio Fix
*Upper Body Fix
*Lower Body Fix
*Cardio Fix
*Dirty 30 (weights and mixed body movements)

It is such a fun mix/match that even if you hate one of the workouts- you have six other, totally unique, ones to count on. Oh- and with that mix/match- you get results. Serious results.

1b- The food is lined out for you, too. Think of the containers as measuring cups. Autumn lines out what you can put in that cup to make meals- and of course I'm here to help you with meal prep, too. Bonus: There are no "can't have" foods. You get treats, you can enjoy alcohol, carbs are not demonized, you're allowed to enjoy healthy fats. It's all there. It makes for a life style change- something you can sustain. The foods approved in each container aren't just kale and lemon (though, I've learned to like kale, actually!). There are good for you foods that are easy to make in to delicious and healthy meals for you, your partner and your family. If you want to join one of my free Healthy Eating groups- just go here to get more information

2- It is JUST 21 Days and JUST 30 minute workouts. Habits take 21 Days to stick- so it's the perfect length. It's not 30 or 60 or even 90 days. It is a chewable, easy to do, 21 Days.  I have done 3 rounds (am in #4 right now) of the 21 Day Fix. You can choose to do it back to back, try another BeachBody program or do a hybrid program.  Sometimes knowing it's just 3 weeks is what keeps me going- I can set my jaw and commit for 21 days. If I had initially committed to a 60 day program I would have quit- just the thought of something that long would have made me quit.

And it's JUST 30 minutes- you do not have to add more cardio, more weights, more of anything. Push play for 30 minutes a day (2% of your day), eat according to the plan and you WILL see results. 

3- You do it at home. Now, this may not be a barrier for you- but for me, the thought of getting in the car and driving to a gym was enough most days to make me not workout. With the 21 Day Fix (and all BeachBody programs) you just load the DVD and press play. You can wear your jammies to workout, for heck sake! Also- I workout barefoot. I hate wearing shoes (and pants, for that matter, but that's a different story). So, you can workout in comfy clothes, no shoes and with your hair a mess. Winning.

Meet Kat- your 21 Day Fix
role model, modifier, savior! 
4- The workouts are challenging, but doable. I remember when I started with P90X a few years ago- the screen flashed on and people were shirtless with tattoos and extremely tight muscles. Not one of them looked like me. My first thought "oh shit...". I did the program for three weeks and didn't finish. I wasn't ready. Enter the 21 Day Fix- and meet Kat. Kat will be your best friend, the sister you want to hang out with and your savior. Kat is the modifier. She's not the fit 100lb person taking it slow to show the modifier- she actually is a size that is real and makes you think "I can do this too- with Kat's help!".  No matter where your fitness level is at, you can do this program. My mom has arthritis and a knee replacement- and she does it. There are people who are severely overweight and they do it. Believe me- you. can. do. it. Don't get me wrong- most of the other fools working out are shirtless and ripped... but Kat is a saving grace. Now that I'm six rounds in I am pushing myself harder and harder with heavier weights and intensity but in those early days, Kat was where it's at. 

5- You get support. From me- which is huge. I've been there, walked in your shoes (seriously, I have!) and have learned so much. You get support from our accountability group, from large Facebook groups, from your friends who join you on this journey. Challenge Groups, for me, were a game changer. I didn't have to physically go anywhere and could post/stalk from the comfort of my computer or phone. You pick up so many ideas, get questions answered and get motivation from others via these groups. 

6- It's the complete package. When you order the 21 Day Fix nothing is left out. You get the workouts, the meal plan, the coach (me!). When I did Weight Watchers I definitely lost weight but did not get the workout support piece. When I did P90X I got the workout but did not get the food part right. The Fix gives you both in a holistic approach. If you're not looking to lose weight- you bump up a calorie bracket and WILL see gain in muscle. The workouts are 2% of your time each day- fighting that battle in the kitchen is (in my opinion) the hard part. The Fix makes it easier for you to be successful.

7- It is a lifestyle. I have repeated the 21 Day Fix for a few rounds and even done the 21 Day Fix Extreme (next set of workout DVDs) once. Each time I find I can up my weights, sneak in a few more reps, press harder. It never gets old or too easy! The eating is a habit that is easy to maintain because it is balanced. The workouts become a 30 minute daily habit that is easy to stick to. It becomes a habit, a lifestyle. You can use it as a great supplemental workout to what you're already doing, too! Are you a runner? Great- add this in for toning and strength. Love taking that class at the YMCA? Awesome- add this in for a daily boost of energy and endurance.

8- You see immediate improvements! Each week you are doing the same seven workouts so you get a great measuring stick on your results. From week one to two you'll see improvements in your plank time or how many pushups you can do. It's immediate gratification- which is SO huge when starting off a new lifestyle. 

These are the reasons the 21 Day Fix worked for me. I think it can work for you, too. I really, believe in my bones and feel in my soul know it can change your life. Won't you join the 21 Day Fix journey with me? If you're ready, right now, to get started- you can find it here to order on my site. If you have questions, hesitations, need more- reach out to me. I can't wait to see you on the other side! 

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Healthy Eating Group- you in?

Hello Spring- and nose smudges and handprints! 
It was a lazy morning around the Johnson house this Sunday. It's officially the first day of Spring- and (see picture below) the windows are filthy! It is definitely time for some Spring cleaning, but that will have to wait for another day.

It is Sunday- you know what that means, right? Meal prep, folks! A Sunday well spent... well you know the phrase. I loaded Zeke up in the car and headed to Cub to stock up for the week. They have fruit out that your kid can eat while you shop- I love seeing more and more places do the little things to be kid friendly. It's definitely a conversation happening in the craft beer world whether kids should be allowed or in taprooms or not. Badger Hill (where I work) is definitely kid friendly. Who says you can't come have a beer and bring your toddler to color? Why can't we begin demystifying alcohol and making it more acceptable and less taboo.

Now, I shouldn't have to give the disclaimer- but I will. Of course when I say the above I mean using alcohol responsibly, not serving to minors and being an responsible driver and adult. There. I said it- just in case you went down that path. :)

Evernote grocery list & clean cart!
I'm starting my Healthy Eating group this week (info, here) and am excited to see how it goes! It'll be my first group and I hope I can portray the important things and not be too overwhelming. Some recipes I'm working on include Hasselback Chicken, Fixate Meatballs,  and more. I hope to base it off of the super amazing and successful 21 Day Fix container plan to show people you can pretty much eat anything in moderation and be healthy. Don't cut out healthy fats, carbs, fruit, meat- enjoy it, the right way.

I spent the time after Zeke's nap doing meal prep and made Fixate meatballs, roasted sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta and Spoon Me's new recipe for Spanish "rice"- made using cauliflower. My poor guys are both sick- so I'm doing my best to think healthy!

Meals for 3/20/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea with lemon. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Fixate Turkey Meatballs, pasta sauce, parm (1 red, 1/4 purple, 1/4 blue)

Dinner: Fixate Turkey Meatballs, whole wheat pasta, Spoon Me Spanish "rice" (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 green)

Snacks: Tomatoes and mozzarella pearls sprinkled with sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil (1 green, 1 blue, 1tsp)

Workout: 21 Day Fix- Upper Fix. Upped my weights- I'm now using 12lb for most of it and 8lb for the harder shoulder raises/punches. It's been fun to video some of my workout and see form or where I can push faster or harder. I'm sharing them on my Instagram, if you want to take a peek.

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Financial freedom

Let me start off by saying this is not meant to brag- but rather to celebrate and to maybe provide help to others! Today is a big, big day at the Johnson household. When Ryan and I got engaged we chose to join bank accounts about 4 months before we got married.  This is clearly a personal decision- couples choose to handle money in a thousand different ways! We both brought in some consumer debt to the marriage and have been slowly chipping away at it. But as we all know, life gets in the way. We have changed jobs a few times, bought and sold a house, bought another house, had a kid, moved... that's just the big picture stuff that. It doesn't include surprise medical stuff, house repairs, utility bills rising and all of the fun day-to-day expenses.

Anyone who has had debt knows that it takes up headspace daily. It weighs on you every time a bill comes in a bit bigger than expected and you have to direct funds to that bill instead of taking away that debt. The fun is sucked out of a vacation because you can't help thinking of the damage being done to your bank account.

New Fabletics top- and flex Saturday!
We implemented an "envelope" system- done through an Excel document. Basically we portion out each paycheck in to a group (Water bill, mortgage, dining out, car tabs, gas, etc. etc.). It has been extremely functional for us- though requires adjustments as things change. For instance I moved jobs to one that is much closer so we adjusted gas to reflect that. It requires communication that can sometimes not be fun- but being transparent with each other has helped us to keep on track. I know that I for sure need a check every once in a while- do we really need that? Can we find the same thing for a better price? Let's indulge and treat ourselves- how do we save for that? Ryan is WAY better than I am at price comparison especially when it comes to grocery shopping. I've learned a lot from him- and still do!

So, today is the day. We have paid our consumer debt off. We. Have. Paid. It. Off. Can you feel the weight of 10,000 boulders come off of our shoulders? After a few hugs and kisses, taking time to realize the feat we just accomplished and of course buying steak, shrimp and champagne for dinner- we got to reorganizing our now more freed up funds. It was a less weighty conversation- we actually got to pump up some of those "envelopes" and will hopefully be doing less stealing from one envelope to pay another.

Celebratory dinner!
Handling the financial baggage we all bring in to relationships around money can be quite the journey. Ryan and I are not perfect, but we work on it. Weekly, sometimes daily. It takes trust in the person you choose to join your life with- and communication. Not to say there aren't heated moments and frustration, but for us, it's worth it.

Getting to this point of having paid it off off has taken a lot of time and energy. We have made sacrifices, sweated over how to pay it down (pretty much daily) and taken both minor and major steps towards getting to this day. Are we stinkin' rich, hitting the high seas and buying a yacht? No, not yet. :) But eliminating this dark cloud has helped us get one step closer!

So, tonight we celebrate. 

My hope (planting that seed right now!) is that some of my coaching through BeachBody (ya know, P90X, Insanity, 21 Day Fix- you can get those and support through me!) and Norwex business will provide us even more income to reach deeper into those goals we have. Where am I starting? I've learned SO much about meal prep and making good tasting, yet healthy meals. Do you want to be my guinea pig group? Just check out more info here to see if it is for you!

**If you want me to share the template I use for our finances- I'm happy to do so!**

Meals for 3/19/16:
Lunch- yum!
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), two drops doTerra Peppermint oil,  and frozen raspberries. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Fixate Meatballs, tomato sauce, parm (1 red, 1/4 purple, 1/2 blue)

Dinner: Steak, shrimp, baked broccoli, champagne (1.5 red, green, 2 yellow)

Snacks: Greek yogurt and apples (1 red, 1 purple)

Workout:  21 Day Fix- Total Body Cardio. Gosh, I am loving being more fit and being able to really kill workouts. You can see a snippet on my Instagram, too. Today I rocked a new shirt I got from Kate Hudson's line Fabletics. To be honest I'm not 100% sure I put it in the right way... and may have been wearing it backwards. It was actually comfy and a huge change from what I usually wear which is yoga pants and a beer shirt! It was also fun to wear because I got to show off my muscles a bit (see above picture) and saw some new friends- helloooo baby triceps!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Hi, I'm Jen! Nice to meet you! and Meals for 3/18/16

So I posted a bit about my journey earlier. However- I thought it may make sense to do a big picture about me and my journey so far. I'm loving seeing all the page views and new friends on Instagram- I hope I'm being helpful and sharing things that inspire or teach you something!

Here goes! The 10,000 foot view from here is I have one sister, two amazing parents (mom and dad), am married to man I barely deserve, an adorable dog and have a son who is the light of my life. I have amazing friends who are authentic and hilarious. I'm in a career field that I absolutely love.

But if we drop it down a bit.. the story starts here. I'm originally from near Iowa City, IA (go Hawks!). One sister, two parents (mom and dad) and was adopted a birth. Grew up on a 90 acre "farm" in North Liberty, IA. I put farm in quotations because we had horses growing up and lots of land but didn't necessarily farm the land or have an abundance of animals besides cats, dogs and horses. My parents still live there and it is an oasis when we get to visit. So many memories. I went to Regina K-12 (private Catholic school in Iowa City). Graduated with class of 42 (I think?) and 13 of us went through school from Kindergarten all the way through graduation.  In High School I ran Cross Country (badly) and was involved in musical theater my junior and senior year.

Some of my Wartburg gals!
After I graduated from High School I continued my education at Wartburg College in Waverly, IA. It was an amazing 4 years. I made some of the best friends, really grew in to who I was and graduated in 2004 with a degree in Community Sociology and minor in Social Work and Leadership. While at Wartburg I played rugby, was involved in the student programming board Entertainment ToKnight (we were the Knights!) and became a RA during my senior year (important fact alert). Through my time at Wartburg and when I really dug in to my degree program I found I had a love for education, learning new things and discovering how communities function.

When I got my degree I wasn't totally sure what to do with it or how to apply it in the "real world". I ended up moving to Philadelphia for a year and working at first for ACORN (making barely enough to live). ACORN stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.  I think they did a recruiting fair somewhere that I attended and placed me in Philly for my job. The premise was very much in my chosen degree- organizing communities and helping to change local policy. The actuality of it was I was knocking on doors asking for money from the people who needed the community organizing most- which seemed a bit backward. I worked there for about three months before figuring out I was miserable and that the way they went about making community change was not how I thought it should be done. They were actually in legal trouble during the election for voter fraud- crazy stuff, and I'm happy for what I learned but glad I chose to leave.

Later I began working for Selectronics in electronic chip distribution (weird, I know..) and then for a multi-level marketing company, the name escapes me now, but it ended up being a total pyramid scheme. No joke I was literally dropped off in neighborhoods around Philly, knocking on doors selling the product du jour (pizza coupons, golf packages, car washes). Around Christmas time a huge storm hit and I had a terrible time coming home for the holidays- which was a trigger for me to find a job closer to home. Don't get me wrong - living by yourself in Philadelphia, learning to manage finances and working in random jobs was a HUGE learning experience but it became clear it was time to come home.
One of my halls at UWO!

When I was a RA in undergraduate, I don't think it clicked that Residential Life (managing students in the dorms) was an actual career. I'm sure Wartburg did a good job of telling us that but I was too stubborn to listen or pursue it. As I was wrapping up my time in Philadelphia and moving home I applied for a few Residential Life jobs in Iowa and landed one at Waldorf College in Forest City, IA. I was a Hall Director with a staff of four and began what (at the time I thought) was becoming a career path. After one year there I decided to pursue my Master's Degree in Higher Education and left my job at Waldorf to be an Assistant Hall Director at UW-Oshkosh. In between starting at UWO and leaving Waldorf I was fortunate to get an ACUHO-I internship at Florida State University.

Moving to Tallahassee, FL in the middle of summer was quite the experience. I am grateful for the things I learned and connections I made. The thing that took me most off guard was the wild life.... lizards, armadillos and palmetto bugs (giant ass cockroaches!). I remember driving down there for my internship and seeing armadillos as roadkill and knowing this was going to be an experience! My internship ended in July and I headed to Wisconsin for my graduate assistantship.

While at UW-Oshkosh I co-ran two halls (Evans & Stewart) and a staff of 8 undergraduate RAs. I was able to be a part of some really cool student development activities and groups and really great in my career. UW-Oshkosh does it right in terms of their graduate students and programming in the residence halls. During my time there I worked on (and got!) my Master's of Science in Educational Policy Analysis from UW-Madison. During my time there I don't remember being overweight but I do remember starting Weight Watchers. I worked out at the student gym and began counting points. I am certain I became addicted to seeing pant sizes drop and my lowest size was a 4, which was a bit unhealthy and insane for me. I'm 5'7'' and when I'm fit and toned a size 8 (maaaaybe a 6!) is about where I feel most healthy. Weight Watchers was easy enough to follow and I was on the program for about a year, dropping a lot of weight.

One of my U of MN Student Staff teams
As graduation was coming closer, I attended the Oshkosh Placement Exchange and was offered a position (my dream job!) at The University of Minnesota in Housing & Residential Life.  When I began at the U of M in July of 2008 I think that's probably when I began to put weight back on. I remember purchasing my first BeachBody Program- P90X, and it kicking my ass. I would go back on Weight Watchers, then off, then go to fitness classes for a month or so, then not. It was a roller coaster for fitness. Joyous things also happened while at the U of M- I met my husband, gained professional experience and confidence and thrived in the workplace. It was also when I began working part-time in the brewing industry for Vine Park, a brew your own place in St. Paul.  Working for Vine Park and learning more about the craft beer scene was a lot of fun. I left Vine Park and started working for Summit Brewing Company as a tour guide which is where I really hit my stride. Being able to educate others (which I LOVE doing) about craft beer and give tours was where I really began to shine in the industry. I worked at Summit for a while and as my time at the U of M came to a close Ryan and I prepared for a move to Mankato for my next job at Minnesota State University.

Excited to work at Schells!
I was hired as an interim Area Director and oversaw full time professionals and a graduate assistant. My time at MNSU and in Mankato was, let's say, interesting. I enjoyed the students and staff in my hall, loved working with the full time Hall Directors and grad students, but never really saw eye-to-eye with the administration or my supervisor.There was a weird element of control and lack of creativity. Being in an interim position, I was required to reapply for my job as the term came up and was being made in to a permanent position. Rewind a few months- we had purchased a house in Mankato, being assured by my then supervisor that things were going well in my position and that buying a house would be a good move. Fast forward to the week I re-interviewed for my job and being told that I was not re-hired for reasons that later came out were related to a sabotaged interview by my then supervisor (I have the HR documents to prove it). It was shady shit that I hope to never have to relive. I was also 5 weeks pregnant. Talk about a "trying time". 5 weeks pregnant, no job, living in a city that we weren't totally in love with and far away from family.

My time at Mankato wasn't all bad- I truly did LOVE working with the Hall Directors and students and made some great connections. I also found some amazing beer friends who we still adore and hang out with to this day. I co-started a Barley's Angels chapter and helped form the Mankato Beer Society with Ryan. It was fun to help craft beer thrive a bit more there. After commuting back and forth every other weekend to be a tour guide at Summit the time got to be too much of a commitment and I was fortunate to be given a position working for August Schell Brewing Company in New Ulm, MN. The Marti family who owns Schells is truly amazing- and it was a blessing to work alongside and for them supporting their brand in the Mankato market. If you're ever in the area be sure to stop in, enjoy a tour of the historic brewery and check out their new all-sour taproom (coming soon!).

Ezekiel Stephen- born at 30 weeks on 11/12/13!
After we found out I was not being rehired at MNSU I began searching for jobs in Mankato, given we had a house to pay for and I was newly pregnant. It needs to be mentioned that my amazing husband Ryan was there through it all. Looking back-  can't believe it all happened, but I thank God for him every single day and his support through what was a very, very crazy time. I got a job as a Front Desk Manager at a local hotel and learned a lot about the industry, but the job required me to be on my feet a lot and to be working 50hrs a week. I knew it was not a long term career field for me, but we had a kid on the way. I think our mentality was "have the baby then move back to the Cities". Pregnancy was interesting- and I for sure enjoyed the "eat whatever you want" mentality, putting on over 50lbs by 30 weeks into my pregnancy. Enter the morning of November 12th, 2013 when at 5a I woke up and my water had broken. I was only 30 weeks pregnant. We rushed to the hospital and they determined that yes, my water had broken and we had to be moved up to the Cities to a hospital with a high-level NICU. It was a long ambulance ride to the Cities and when we arrived I wasn't having contractions so the plan was to keep me pregnant (monitored and on bed rest) until 34 weeks if possible.  Well- the kid had different plans for us. Ezekiel Stephen Johnson was born that very same evening on 11/12/13 weighing 4lbs. He (and we) spend 50 days in the NICU during which time Ryan interviewed for a job (and got it!) in St. Paul, I quit my hotel job and spent my days with Zeke in the hospital. We moved in with my in-laws who were a true pillar of stability and a constant blessing to us. Zeke was released January 1st, 2015 and is a healthy, happy, goofy, smiley 2 year old now.

My two loves. 
We lived with my in-laws (yes, with a brand new baby) for 6 months (almost exactly) before finding a house and moving out of their home. At this time I had gotten a job with Excelsior Brewing Company and was working full-time in the craft beer industry. I had a choice- pursue jobs in Higher Education and continue my career path or take a left turn and pursue the craft beer industry as a new career. I'm thankful that my husband and family were supportive in the choices to make a career move as it's truly an industry I love and thrive in.

As you can imagine- my weight and fitness were the LAST thing on my mind during these times. I mean, who the hell gets a new job, uproots their family to move to a new city, isn't rehired for that job, leaves for a new one (while newly pregnant), has a preemie, sells a house, buys a new house and moves BACK to where they started and oh yea- works out and eats right. Not this gal, that's for damn sure.

I left Excelsior Brewing Company this past July (2015) and began working at Badger Hill Brewing Company in my current role. I'm fortunate to have found a company that aligns with my values, honors me for my skills and experience yet still challenges me. I learn something new every day. My job focuses on marketing, social media, event management and more. It's different every day. I interact with event planners, other breweries, consumers and everyone in between. I love seeing the interaction with the public on social media, planning posts and focusing on how to make our brewery even better. We have an amazing team of people here from the guys who brew and package our amazing beer and have a laser like focus on quality to our sales and taproom team who hit the streets and interact with the public spreading the good word of Badger Hill.

Zeke got his own Badger Hill
beer can #!
Life doesn't calm down (does it ever?). I put on about 40+lbs throughout this all and was up to around 180+ on the scale, the most I'd ever weighed. I think I used the mental excuse of baby weight until Zeke turned 2. As his second birthday approached the excuse became weaker and weaker. I can't exactly remember the details, but I was added to a Challenge Group by my coach Tia after I purchased the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack that included Shakeology. The group started in November but my stuff didn't arrive until a few days after the challenge began so I jumped right in. Now, I started November 4th, 2015- exactly 3 weeks prior to Thanksgiving. Looking back- that was probably pretty dumb... starting a clean eating and fitness journey RIGHT before the holidays when temptation was all around? Yea. Talk about a challenge.

For whatever reason, my jaw was set. When I was a kid my dad would tell me "You're special, you can do anything you set your mind to, you're going to amount to something and I love you". I tell this to Zeke every night before going to bed. I think this was one of those "do anything you set your mind to" moments. I finished the 21 Day Fix round 1 the day before Thanksgiving and already saw major changes in my nutrition and body. Being part of a supportive challenge group, hearing some of the positive compliments start up and feeling better in my clothes all helped me to keep going.

Fast forward to today. I've done three rounds of the 21 Day Fix, one around of the 21 Day Fix Extreme and 45 days of PiYo. I just finished week 1 of my fourth round of the 21 Day Fix. I'm down 30.5lbs, down three clothing sizes, feeling more confident and finally have a handle on my eating. I drink beer each week, enjoy chocolate and still live a full, healthy life. I'm now dipping my toe in to the water of coaching and helping others, like how my coach and BeachBody programs and Shakeology have helped me.

It's weird being in this spot. The spot where I feel odd if I don't workout, knowing how to manage cooking and eating healthy and tasty meals. I know that I can totally indulge in a meal and not feel guilty because I'll be right back eating healthy and feeling great afterwards. One meal does not make or break me any more. It's the journey (yes, ups and downs and all). For goodness sake I work in the BEER industry. I pretty much have limitless access to beer on a daily basis and it is totally normal to enjoy a sample at 9:30a. If I can do it, you can too. I believe in you- you can do anything you set your mind to.

That got a whole lot longer than I thought it would. It was cathartic- and crazy to look back and remember some of these experiences. I am so excited to some day reflect back on this post and see where I have gone from here.

Meals for 3/18/16
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea with lemon. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Shredded chicken, fajita veggies, (recipe here), two corn tortillas topped with 1/2 a blue of shredded cheese and a dollop of greek yogurt. (1.5 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1/2 blue)

Dinner: A little indulgence! Steamed pot stickers, sesame chicken and an Insight Brewing Company Sunken City beer. It's good to kick back and enjoy some yummy Chinese food as a Friday treat with the family!

Workout: 21 Day Fix - Yoga. Namaste, ya'll! What a great way to start my Friday morning. I dimmed the lights in the living room while I worked out and stretched out all of those tight muscles. Felt good! 

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

What is your Hobby and Meals for 3/17/16

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
This week my boss asked me what my hobby was. I had to pause and think a bit - because life gets in the way and hobbies become more of an issue than a fun thing! Some people knit, some hunt for antiques, some (my husband!) read and play video games.  I'd say watching television is my hobby, or maybe social media. Wait. Yes- that's it. Social media is my hobby, and my job- which is kinda nice when you love your job like I do!

Why would I call it a hobby? It's something about the community that I find enjoyment in. I also am always learning something not only from content posted but about how it functions and how I can maximize my interactions with people. I consider this blog a part of my hobby, too!

I am fully aware of the addiction and the negative side of social media- and for sure have issues with balancing it and being present. However, I do find my downtime is spent not only scrolling through but also learning about how the algorithms work, what's the new app and more. It is also spent being inspired by others, learning from their journey and more.

Extra greens for St. Paddy's!
My other hobby? Learning and trying new things. I'm spontaneous (often impulsive) but I am learning to own that and channel it in to experiences and learning new things. Most recently it has been diving in to being a BeachBody Coach which has me reading more about health and fitness, working out and enjoying Shakeology daily and being a part of fitness challenge groups and teams.

If you want to follow me or my journey through social media- please do!

Here is where you can find me:
*This blog- duh! I update it daily!
*Instagram- I post random family pictures, workouts and meal ideas.

For work I use Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, Facebook, Untappd, Snapchat and more! Look us up at Badger Hill Brewing Company and see more of "me" (through the lens of a brewery!). Sometimes it's tough to keep up with all the new formats but I enjoy learning about them and seeing how people use them to be successful in business and also connect in their personal life.

What is YOUR favorite social media platform? Why? Comment below!

Meals for 3/17/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with EXTRA spinach (greens for St. Paddy's Day!), cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea with lemon. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Shredded chicken, fajita veggies, (recipe here), two corn tortillas topped with 1/2 a blue of shredded cheese and a dollop of greek yogurt. (1.5 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1/2 blue)

Dinner: Fixate Turkey meatballs, Fixate sauce, roasted sweet potato slices, roasted broccoli and cauliflower. Zeke ate what I ate tonight, too! He's such a great eater and I love exposing him to healthy, tasty foods. (1 red, 1.5 green, 1 yellow)

Snacks: Caveman Bar (see review below- from my Bulu Box), apple slices with PB (1 yellow, 1 purple, tsp)

But seriously people- WHY don't you have the Fixate Cookbook yet? You can order it through my BeachBody site here- under Shop, then use the search bar at the top left and search for Fixate. It's SO worth the money with kid friendly, adult friendly and just plain delicious 21 Day Fix approved food.

Workout: 21 Day Fix Dirty 30. LOVE this workout. It's a shorter one- and I almost wish there was one more round of a bonus round (did I just write that?!) but I love the full body workout it gives! I'm looking forward to Yoga tomorrow to get some stretching in. My right IT band is a bit tight! 

Caveman Bar from my Bulu Box
Bulu Box Product Review:
*Here's the complete unboxing video if you want to see all of the goodies I got!*

Today I enjoyed a Caveman Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut bar. It says "paleo inspired" - made with ingredients I can actually pronounce. About two bites big with lots of chew to it. I'd say it's a Yellow swap- and nice treat. I love coconut and almonds so adding chocolate to that is a win for me.

NeuEnergy from my Bulu Box
I was also feeling the 2p energy slump and decided to give the NeuEnergy tablets a shot. In reading the directions you're supposed to take two tablets (the sample was 6 total) and not need water. I chewed two- the consistency was like a crunchy tums. Flavor was sweet, a bit fruity- but not exactly pleasant. It left a very perfumey flavor in my mouth that lasted quite a while and definitely needed water to rinse out. It did give a good energy boost. I worked out about an hour after taking them and definitely felt a good boost (rare for 3:30p!). No jitters- just focused energy. The taste was still horrible but maybe I'd endure it for this type of energy!

Want to get Bulu Box for yourself? Check it out here- and when you sign up enter code MYSUB5 at checkout (top left) to get your boxes for just $5/mo, for life!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!