Monday, March 21, 2016

The 21 Day Fix

Ever since I began this journey on November 4th, 2015 I keep wondering what is working and why it is working. Certainly when I began in November I had NO idea it would stick- and I had many doubts that crept up in my mind. Will this just be a fad? Will it only last for a bit? Will I put any weight I lose right back on? Can I sustain this healthy lifestyle?
Officially down 32.6lbs
since 11/4/15

So, so many of those questions are 100% the little demons in my head- those voices that say you're not good enough, not perfect, not strong enough. Those voices suck. They really suck. We all have them- right? Doubts, nagging thoughts, recurring issues. 

Well- they can suck it. Here I am, almost 5 months later and 32+ pounds lighter, fitting in to clothing 4 sizes from where I started and seeing muscles develop that I didn't even know existed. Are those voices there, still? Uh, duh- yes! But I'm shutting them up each time I prepare a healthy meal and get that workout in. I'm shutting them up by helping others and holding myself accountable to myself and others around me. 

The focus for today is going to be the 21 Day Fix and why I think it worked (and still works!) for me. First- the 21 Day Fix is a workout DVD program by BeachBody (who I'm a coach for) that gives you seven unique workouts (1 per day) for a total body workout throughout the week. You workout for 30 minutes each day with a different planned program- all at home.

Why was it different... why did it stick... here goes:

1- It takes the brain work out of it. When you order the 21 Day Fix you get the workout DVDs (and a bonus DVD if you order from me) as well as the 21 Day Fix containers. You're given a booklet with the list of foods, recipes and of course the scheduled workouts. You don't have to count points, calories or macros (see more below). You don't have to worry about what workout to do or what cardio to fit in (see more below)- it is all given to you in a well-researched and thought out program. 

1a- The workouts are lined out for you. You don't have to wander around a gym wondering what to do next, how to use a machine or how to pair workouts together to get results. Autumn lays out the workouts, in order of when to do them, for the entire 21 days. You can do every workout in your home with a DVD player, weights (light and heavy set) and a bit of space. Bonus: They're ONLY 30 minutes. I LOVE this aspect because I can get up at the same time every morning, pound out that workout and get on with my day. 

There are seven workouts- one for each day: *Total Body Cardio Fix
*Upper Body Fix
*Lower Body Fix
*Cardio Fix
*Dirty 30 (weights and mixed body movements)

It is such a fun mix/match that even if you hate one of the workouts- you have six other, totally unique, ones to count on. Oh- and with that mix/match- you get results. Serious results.

1b- The food is lined out for you, too. Think of the containers as measuring cups. Autumn lines out what you can put in that cup to make meals- and of course I'm here to help you with meal prep, too. Bonus: There are no "can't have" foods. You get treats, you can enjoy alcohol, carbs are not demonized, you're allowed to enjoy healthy fats. It's all there. It makes for a life style change- something you can sustain. The foods approved in each container aren't just kale and lemon (though, I've learned to like kale, actually!). There are good for you foods that are easy to make in to delicious and healthy meals for you, your partner and your family. If you want to join one of my free Healthy Eating groups- just go here to get more information

2- It is JUST 21 Days and JUST 30 minute workouts. Habits take 21 Days to stick- so it's the perfect length. It's not 30 or 60 or even 90 days. It is a chewable, easy to do, 21 Days.  I have done 3 rounds (am in #4 right now) of the 21 Day Fix. You can choose to do it back to back, try another BeachBody program or do a hybrid program.  Sometimes knowing it's just 3 weeks is what keeps me going- I can set my jaw and commit for 21 days. If I had initially committed to a 60 day program I would have quit- just the thought of something that long would have made me quit.

And it's JUST 30 minutes- you do not have to add more cardio, more weights, more of anything. Push play for 30 minutes a day (2% of your day), eat according to the plan and you WILL see results. 

3- You do it at home. Now, this may not be a barrier for you- but for me, the thought of getting in the car and driving to a gym was enough most days to make me not workout. With the 21 Day Fix (and all BeachBody programs) you just load the DVD and press play. You can wear your jammies to workout, for heck sake! Also- I workout barefoot. I hate wearing shoes (and pants, for that matter, but that's a different story). So, you can workout in comfy clothes, no shoes and with your hair a mess. Winning.

Meet Kat- your 21 Day Fix
role model, modifier, savior! 
4- The workouts are challenging, but doable. I remember when I started with P90X a few years ago- the screen flashed on and people were shirtless with tattoos and extremely tight muscles. Not one of them looked like me. My first thought "oh shit...". I did the program for three weeks and didn't finish. I wasn't ready. Enter the 21 Day Fix- and meet Kat. Kat will be your best friend, the sister you want to hang out with and your savior. Kat is the modifier. She's not the fit 100lb person taking it slow to show the modifier- she actually is a size that is real and makes you think "I can do this too- with Kat's help!".  No matter where your fitness level is at, you can do this program. My mom has arthritis and a knee replacement- and she does it. There are people who are severely overweight and they do it. Believe me- you. can. do. it. Don't get me wrong- most of the other fools working out are shirtless and ripped... but Kat is a saving grace. Now that I'm six rounds in I am pushing myself harder and harder with heavier weights and intensity but in those early days, Kat was where it's at. 

5- You get support. From me- which is huge. I've been there, walked in your shoes (seriously, I have!) and have learned so much. You get support from our accountability group, from large Facebook groups, from your friends who join you on this journey. Challenge Groups, for me, were a game changer. I didn't have to physically go anywhere and could post/stalk from the comfort of my computer or phone. You pick up so many ideas, get questions answered and get motivation from others via these groups. 

6- It's the complete package. When you order the 21 Day Fix nothing is left out. You get the workouts, the meal plan, the coach (me!). When I did Weight Watchers I definitely lost weight but did not get the workout support piece. When I did P90X I got the workout but did not get the food part right. The Fix gives you both in a holistic approach. If you're not looking to lose weight- you bump up a calorie bracket and WILL see gain in muscle. The workouts are 2% of your time each day- fighting that battle in the kitchen is (in my opinion) the hard part. The Fix makes it easier for you to be successful.

7- It is a lifestyle. I have repeated the 21 Day Fix for a few rounds and even done the 21 Day Fix Extreme (next set of workout DVDs) once. Each time I find I can up my weights, sneak in a few more reps, press harder. It never gets old or too easy! The eating is a habit that is easy to maintain because it is balanced. The workouts become a 30 minute daily habit that is easy to stick to. It becomes a habit, a lifestyle. You can use it as a great supplemental workout to what you're already doing, too! Are you a runner? Great- add this in for toning and strength. Love taking that class at the YMCA? Awesome- add this in for a daily boost of energy and endurance.

8- You see immediate improvements! Each week you are doing the same seven workouts so you get a great measuring stick on your results. From week one to two you'll see improvements in your plank time or how many pushups you can do. It's immediate gratification- which is SO huge when starting off a new lifestyle. 

These are the reasons the 21 Day Fix worked for me. I think it can work for you, too. I really, believe in my bones and feel in my soul know it can change your life. Won't you join the 21 Day Fix journey with me? If you're ready, right now, to get started- you can find it here to order on my site. If you have questions, hesitations, need more- reach out to me. I can't wait to see you on the other side! 

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!