Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ricotta Bowl deliciousness and Meals for 3/24/16

Dinner pre-baking
We got a TON of snow last night.. yes, on March 23rd. Typical Minnesota. This morning Zeke woke up feeling miserable again so I stayed home with him until Ryan could watch him after lunch. I woke up feeling like a new women- seriously. Thank goodness this flu/cold took a sharp left turn and I'm feeling human again. I mean, when I woke up I was scanning my body and then sat up realizing I didn't feel like complete poo. YUS.

Is it weird to say I missed working? Yea. Maybe? I really do love my job working for a craft brewery. I mean, really, really love my job. It was good to be able to get in to work this afternoon!

This morning I woke up and got breakfast ready for Zeke after I made my morning Shakeology. Tonight I am trying a new recipe- chicken wrapped asparagus. I am marinating it in Italian dressing for some extra flavor and may stuff some ricotta up in there, too.

Sickie one and sickie two- snuggle buggin'
I got to go to work for a 1/2 day, hacked through some emails and a meeting. Still feeling a bit under the weather- so it's an early night to bed for this family! Sorry for the short posts... still recovering and feeling a bit lazy!

Meals for 3/24/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Ezekiel toast with PB, handful of cashews (1 yellow, 1 tsp, 1 blue)

Dinner: Chicken wrapped asparagus (2 red, 1 green)

Snack: Ricotta Bowls from Spoon Me (1/2 red, 1/4 purple)

Workout: Took another rest day to ensure this flu/cold is kicked. Back at it tomorrow!

Recipe:Ricotta Bowls (from Spoon Me):
Ricotta bowl- yum!

"1 cup fat free ricotta

1 whole egg

2tbsp oat flour

1 ½ tsp honey

¼tsp vanilla

½ tsp cinnamon

½ purple container, fruit of choice

Mix all ingredients together except the berries. Using 2 ramekins, divide the berries (1/4 purple container) and place berries in the bottom of each ramekin. Pour your batter over the berries and place some additional berries on top, lightly pressing them into the batter. Bake at 400 for 30-35 minutes until set and tops are golden brown. Let cool approximately 5 minutes. Serve warm or chill (my favorite)! *it resembles bread pudding

Makes 2 servings
Each serving-
1/2 red, 1/4 purple "

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!