Monday, February 29, 2016


Every morning (every!) for breakfast I enjoy Shakeology. It's not for everyone - but it is definitely for me and something that I attribute a lot of my success to. It's a powder that comes in so many flavors (Strawberry, Chocolate, Cafe Latte, Vanilla, Greenberry and even Vegan flavors!). Not a protein shake, not a meal replacement- a little of everything!

Ingredient list for Shakeology
Why do I believe and use Shakeology every day?
*Each bag replaces 30 (!!) meals a month. It's not an additional cost, it's a replacement for a meal you're already eating and paying for. Break it down that way and it just makes sense. We don't often see the price of our meals broken down that way, in one monthly payment- and when you roll down the numbers one serving is around $4.00. That cost can easily beat that breakfast cost or lunch- and hands down it is healthier than that meal you're preparing or ordering.

*I DO attribute a lot of my success (I've lost 50lbs so far!) to Shakeology. The food is the hard part of the weight loss journey. Working out takes only 2% of your day for a 30 minute workout- it is the other 98% that kills me. I made it a habit each day to make my shake in the morning and enjoy it on the way to work. It is giving my body what it needs to be functional and healthy, tastes good and is packed with more nutrients than I could ever put together alone. The other reason I have found success with it is in those "emergency" times- when I haven't prepped anything, am feeling hangry or just neeeeed something sweet (hello time of the month!).

*Not only does it curb cravings and help with weight loss- you'll see longer, healthier hair and nails. I have longer hair but it's rather thin- after starting with Shakeology daily I saw a weird thing happen... my hair got happier! My skin cleared up and my nails were healthy and strong. Those superfoods don't mess around- they help every part of your body!

*It makes it easy to start my day off right, every day. I think if I started my morning off with a rushed breakfast of something unhealthy (or worse- nothing at all!) that would give me permission to mess up the rest of my day with food. It is just a habit now to quickly grab spinach, cold press coffee and a fruit- blend and go. I drink it on my way to work each day!

*It is extremely nutrient packed- don't think of it as just a protein shake! When you dig in to the research and ingredients you'll see the research and science behind each flavor and understand that the price really is extremely fair! It has a low-glycemic index (no blood sugar spikes) and is gluten free. If you want to nerd out- go here. All the info you ever wanted (and more) is here! I've stopped taking my daily multi-vitamin and notice less joint and back pain. Seriously- dig in and learn something about it, you'll be impressed.

*There is a "bottom of the bag"guarantee- try it for a month, drink it every day. See how it makes your mornings easier, your energy higher and starts your day off right (or makes an easy snack or meal!). Don't love it? Get your money back. Recently I tried the Cafe Latte flavor and found out I was not a fan. Instead of sucking it up and powering through it- I easily shipped it back and exchanged it for a new flavor.

*It's an investment and it intentionally every day. Money can be a motivating factor to commit to health. Don't people buy gym memberships for that reason? I'm paying the money and I want to see results! I'm making an investment financially and why the heck would I waste that to screw up the rest of my day food-wise?

*I saved money by becoming a BeachBody coach. I get an automatic home delivery each month- and also am a coach. Nitty gritty- I save about $15 each month on Shakeology for being a coach. Do you have to sell anything to be a coach? No! Can you just enjoy the monthly Shakeology discount? Yes! I'd love to help you start saving on your monthly bag. This discount isn't only or your monthly Shakeology though- you also get money off on programs and fitness gear/equipment and BeachBody supplements. Email me if you are interested.

*Afraid you won't like the flavor? Try a Sampler Pack (message me for details!)- you get one serving of ALL seven flavors Shakeology has to offer. It's a fairly risk-free way to enjoy Shakeology, find your favorite and then order a monthly supply of what you love. Bonus? You can order mixed packet boxes, too! So each month you get a bit of many flavors. How fun!

If you are looking for more please read this post by one of my upline Coaches- she nails a lot of points!

Sprinkles on Shakeology!
I typically use Chocolate Shakeology and blend it in my Ninja blender with a bunch of spinach, a fruit (raspberries are a fave!), cold press coffee and water. Sometimes I'll add a drop of peppermint, almond or vanilla extract. When I'm feeling super sassy I'll put some sprinkles on top- just because I can. Every day before 8am I'm getting a helping of protein, veggies, fruit- not to mention the superfoods packed in to Shakeology.

I guess what I'm saying is that Shakeology is worth it. Every penny. It gets me off on the right foot each day, is extremely healthy and SO easy to put together for a tasty and healthy breakfast each morning. Some folks use it as a pre or post-workout protein shake or for another meal of the day.

PS: Side story on the sprinkles- because some think it's a bit weird to have sprinkles and be 33 years old. Zeke and I took a Target run and he was getting a bit antsy so first-time mom here grabbed the jar of sprinkles for him to play with while we shopped. Well, as you can predict, there was no way in hell that kid was giving up a jar of sprinkles when we got to the checkout- so we scanned them (from his death-gripping hands) and went home with a new jar of sprinkles. 

So how do you get your mitts on some Shakeology? I can send you Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry, you can rock the sampler pack (7 servings, 1 of each available flavor) or you can get it as a monthly delivery (discount coaches get % off!). If you bundle it with a program you save 50% off that workout program- so if you have your eye on Fix Extreme, P90X, Master's Hammer and Chisel or more your best bet is to get it with a bag of Shakeology to save some moolah! #themoreyouknow