Saturday, March 5, 2016

Focus on the Green Container and Meals for 3/5/16

Intense brunch coloring

Now on to the topic at hand... the 21 Day Fix Green Container. For me, this was the hardest to get in each day- and probably the one I needed the most!  I'm not a picky eater by any means, but I most certainly don't get enough greens in. I'm alllll about that Yellow (carbs) container, as most folks are!

Chocolate Shakeology hiding
TWO Greens of spinach!
Here are a few ideas to get more Green containers in. Remember- if you are feeling hungry, eat another Green!

*Add spinach to your morning Shakeology. You can't taste it and it adds a healthy dose of greens to an already healthy shake. Don't use Shakeology? No problem- add it to your protein or meal replacement smoothies. Fun idea- buy spinach in bulk, put in the blender, add a bit of water and blend it. Then pour it in an ice cube tray, freeze and pop out to blend as needed. This is a good idea to do whenever spinach is on sale!

*Zoodles, ya'll! I bought a spiralizer a few months back and love using it to make zucchini noodles (zoodles!). You can use it to spiralize carrots, zucchini and more. Most of them come with fun recipes too. I'll just drop them in a pan with some olive oil and add some parm or shrimp. Another favorite flavor is zoodles, heat in a pan with olive oil, add 2 tsp of peanut butter and saute together- you can even add just sliced up zucchini and carrots to it!

Zoodles with parm and shrimp
*Make a salad. Now, I'm proud to say I rarely eat salad on the 21 Day Fix meal plan- I'm just not a huge salad lover. By salad I mean chop up tomatoes, add some mozzarella, a tsp of olive oil and some sea salt. Easy-peasy and a whole Green (or more) of veggies! You can do the same with steamed zucchini, use cucumbers and more. Of course a regular salad is just fine too- and you can SUPER pack your greens in with one of those!

*Roast those suckers. I find I like things to be crispy, almost burnt. I have roasted up some awesome brussel sprouts, zucchini and kale. Oh my- I do NOT like Kale unless it is oven baked with a bit of olive oil and salt. In that case it is SO goooooood! Don't forget about peppers of all colors and onions- those are amazing for fajitas and as a side.

My "salad" of tomatoes, EVOO, salt,
mozzarella pearls and basil
*Two words: Baked Broccoli. Now- yes, this should be mentioned in the point above but it deserves it's own point because it is so damn good. The recipe: cut up raw broccoli, toss in 1tbsp of olive oil, salt, garlic and pepper to taste. Pre-heat the oven to 400 and put the coated (don't use too much oil!)  broccoli on a pan. Bake for 40-60 minutes- flip once or twice. I love mine extra crispy so I err on the longer time side. You're welcome, world.

*Focus on spices, too! You can use salt (sparingly) and pepper of course- but explore other flavors. Use garlic, cumin, curry, essential oils (hello Lemon and Lime!), Mrs. Dash and more. I use a bit of powdered ranch dressing as a seasoning sometimes, too. Another favorite is balsamic- you can make a great reduction with honey and balsamic and top your veggies (and meats!) with it for added flavor. I like to chop up peppers of all colors and toss them in a bit of taco seasoning- then bake!

*Spaghetti squash is a Green! I had never tried spaghetti squash before doing the 21 Day Fix. But again, I was struggling getting my Greens in and saw that this was an option. It's easy to just stab it a few times, cook in the microwave and scoop out. I recommend blotting with a paper towel because it can be really juicy. Top with tomato sauce or just parm and garlic!
Wearing my so comfy
LuLaRoe Julia dress today!

*Tomato sauce. Okay- let me settle the debate/question right here. Tomato sauce from a jar (whether it's "natural" or cheap stuff) is a purple. It's a PURPLE. Don't challenge it, just measure it out and deal with it. It is based on the sugar content. If you make it at home using the Fixate Cookbook- it's a GREEN. And it's delicious. Please- do yourself a favor and just buy the Fixate Cookbook for this recipe alone. I like to make a double batch and freeze in Green portioned containers to thaw and put over spaghetti squash (hello, you get TWO greens for that!) or put over a yellow of pasta.

*Eat it raw. Duh, right? I totally forget to just eat those veggies raw! Dip carrot sticks in a blue container of guacamole. Mix Greek yogurt with a tiny bit of powdered ranch dressing and dip raw peppers in it. I like to pop raw cherry tomatoes in as a snack- or make a Greek yogurt dip and dip in that. Use one of your tsp for PB and add it to celery.

Post-workout. Thankful for filters.
I hope these ideas are helpful and spark more ideas! Share them with me and I'll keep adding them to the list. Happy eating, folks!

Looking for a complete list of the containers and what to fill them with? Go here!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

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and I'll see you in the group!