Monday, March 7, 2016

Focus on the Red Container and Meals for 3/7/16

I need to say one thing- this blog is about authenticity. Not just the ponies, rainbows and easy/good days. I promise to be authentic, write down what I eat/do honestly and get better at putting my thoughts in to honest words. I want to show you that life is real, it is a journey and that it's not a quick fix. There will be a meal, a day, a week or more that you may de-rail and that does. not. mean. you are less than or finished on this journey. If I could hug and high-five each of you today, I would. Thank you for joining ME on this journey!
My amazing egg steamer!

I weigh myself weekly on Monday. No, the scale doesn't always matter- but for me I like to see progress knowing that I do still have pounds to lose. After a weekend of indulgence I stepped on and closed my eyes- fearing the worst. And yep- up 1.1lbs. Bummer, dude- though it is the first gain I've had in over 3 months. I knew it was going to happen given the amount of indulgences I had, alcohol I drank and lack of water. Though a gain of that little could honestly be a big poop... we'll see. What now? Onward and learn from the experience!

Blend 1 blue of oats, two eggs,
half a banana-
 cook like pancakes!
Happy Monday- did you get your workout in? I live by the mantra "Never Miss a Monday"- it just gets that week started off right and fights the Monday blues. I rocked PiYo Sculpt for the first time- I tell ya... the deeper I get in to this program the more I love it (and the ass-beating it gives!).

Today Ryan and I worked- and then after work headed up to Duluth for a night away (took tomorrow off). Eating-wise I am going to "enjoy" myself- though I know "bad" food shouldn't necessarily equate enjoyment. It's easy to enjoy yourself and eat well- too. Anyhow.. I'm going off the rails a bit!

On to the Red container! Ahhhh protein! A building block (literally) of muscle growth and weight loss. When I'm doing a more intense program like the 21 Day Fix Extreme my body craaaaaves protein.  There are so many fun ways to get good protein- here are a few ideas:
Baked tofu over zoodles

*Shakeology- duh! One scoop is one red. You can drink it alone for a pre/post workout boost or add veggies (spinach!), fruit and more to it to make it a whole meal. This is my VIP when I'm in a rush and need some protein- I love the regular and Vegan chocolate plus you can make some awesome recipes with extracts (caramel, coconut, almond etc.), too!

*Don't have time to cook? Pre-cooked meats may work for you! I love the Tyson chicken breast chunks, Target brand chicken sausages, turkey bacon and of course yogurts/cottage cheese.

*Speaking of yogurt- use it in diverse ways! My 3p snack each day is almost always plain Greek yogurt with a fruit of some kind. Use Greek yogurt as a replacement for sour cream- one of my faves is on top of fajitas. Use your yogurt as a dipping sauce for fruit or for veggies- just add honey or spices (powdered ranch, dill, chives etc.). If you HATE the taste of plain Greek yogurt just add a drizzle of agave or honey over the top and some pumpkin seeds for crunch. Or add some cinnamon and apple chunks. Lastly, yogurt is a great marinade for chicken- I mix some powdered ranch dressing and coat chicken chunks in it, refrigerate over night and bake!
Meal prepping from Sunday- Fixate Meatballs,
chopped broccoli and kale, marinated brussel
sprouts and Fixate Grandma's Sauce

*Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! I bought an egg steamer which cooks the perfect soft or hard-boiled eggs. Eggs are my go-to when I'm lazy and don't want to think of a protein option. Plus with eggs you can often sneak some good Green containers in there, too! People also make those egg muffins which are easy to reheat and take on the go. Another favorite recipe is protein pancakes using eggs- blend together 1 blue of oats, 2 eggs, 1/2 a banana and cook like pancakes. I love to add a tsp or two of PB and a drizzle of agave or honey!

*Sushi, ohhh yea. When you go for sushi get sashimi- raw slices of delicious fish. Eat a side of rice for your yellow container and you're set.

*Speaking of sushi- fish and seafood are awesome. I like to buy the frozen tilapia or salmon. Tilapia I'll cut up in to chunks and bread lightly- then bake and serve in tacos or over couscous. A new favorite recipe is coconut shrimp (frozen, cooked)- dip shrimp (tails on) in a beaten egg, coat in unsweetened coconut flakes and bake 8 minutes, flip, bake another 8 minutes until breading is nice and crispy! Cut the tails off and serve over zoodles, couscous, rice and more.

Cart of groceries for the week!
*Tofu, yea, tofu. It's not my favorite but it's awesome because it's fairly flavorless so you can make it in to anything you want! I've blended it in to a smoothie, baked it and added it to Zoodles and used it as a protein in stir fry. It also stays good for a while- so you can use it gradually.

*Of course the regulars- chicken, turkey and beef! I like to brown up beef in a big batch and use it different ways- tacos, burgers, mixed with veggies. Another easy "what are we going to do for dinner?!" is grabbing a rotisserie chicken from your local grocery store. Turkey bacon or eggs (breakfast or breakfast for dinner!) are easy in a pinch. I like to use stew meat to make fajitas or beef and broccoli. Make (and love!) the Fixate Cookbook chili with ground beef or turkey. I also love buffalo sauce- so toss any of these meats in that, add some blue cheese crumbles and I'm set. Last- the Fixate Turkey Meatballs are easy to make in bulk and eat for lunches or dinner- or freeze and defrost in a pinch. Obviously there are SO many ways to use these two!

I keep mentioning Fixate- which is the cookbook by Autumn Calabrese (the 21 Day Fix instructor). Snag it (it is a steal for the amazing recipes it contains!) here, under Shop.

Looking for a complete list of the containers and what to fill them with? Go here!

Meals for 3/7/16

Vegan Chocolate Shakeology blended with spinach, frozen raspberries and cold press. (1 red, 1 green, 1 purple)

Lunch: Sweet potatoes, Grandma's Tomato Sauce from Fixate, Fixate Turkey Meatballs (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green)

Snacks: No-sugar added fruit, greek yogurt (1 red, 1 purple)

Dinner: Olive/Cream Cheese Burger, side of ranch fries, flight of beer- at 7West in Duluth. We split a flight of beers at Canal Park, too!

Workout: PiYo Sculpt

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!