Saturday, March 19, 2016

Financial freedom

Let me start off by saying this is not meant to brag- but rather to celebrate and to maybe provide help to others! Today is a big, big day at the Johnson household. When Ryan and I got engaged we chose to join bank accounts about 4 months before we got married.  This is clearly a personal decision- couples choose to handle money in a thousand different ways! We both brought in some consumer debt to the marriage and have been slowly chipping away at it. But as we all know, life gets in the way. We have changed jobs a few times, bought and sold a house, bought another house, had a kid, moved... that's just the big picture stuff that. It doesn't include surprise medical stuff, house repairs, utility bills rising and all of the fun day-to-day expenses.

Anyone who has had debt knows that it takes up headspace daily. It weighs on you every time a bill comes in a bit bigger than expected and you have to direct funds to that bill instead of taking away that debt. The fun is sucked out of a vacation because you can't help thinking of the damage being done to your bank account.

New Fabletics top- and flex Saturday!
We implemented an "envelope" system- done through an Excel document. Basically we portion out each paycheck in to a group (Water bill, mortgage, dining out, car tabs, gas, etc. etc.). It has been extremely functional for us- though requires adjustments as things change. For instance I moved jobs to one that is much closer so we adjusted gas to reflect that. It requires communication that can sometimes not be fun- but being transparent with each other has helped us to keep on track. I know that I for sure need a check every once in a while- do we really need that? Can we find the same thing for a better price? Let's indulge and treat ourselves- how do we save for that? Ryan is WAY better than I am at price comparison especially when it comes to grocery shopping. I've learned a lot from him- and still do!

So, today is the day. We have paid our consumer debt off. We. Have. Paid. It. Off. Can you feel the weight of 10,000 boulders come off of our shoulders? After a few hugs and kisses, taking time to realize the feat we just accomplished and of course buying steak, shrimp and champagne for dinner- we got to reorganizing our now more freed up funds. It was a less weighty conversation- we actually got to pump up some of those "envelopes" and will hopefully be doing less stealing from one envelope to pay another.

Celebratory dinner!
Handling the financial baggage we all bring in to relationships around money can be quite the journey. Ryan and I are not perfect, but we work on it. Weekly, sometimes daily. It takes trust in the person you choose to join your life with- and communication. Not to say there aren't heated moments and frustration, but for us, it's worth it.

Getting to this point of having paid it off off has taken a lot of time and energy. We have made sacrifices, sweated over how to pay it down (pretty much daily) and taken both minor and major steps towards getting to this day. Are we stinkin' rich, hitting the high seas and buying a yacht? No, not yet. :) But eliminating this dark cloud has helped us get one step closer!

So, tonight we celebrate. 

My hope (planting that seed right now!) is that some of my coaching through BeachBody (ya know, P90X, Insanity, 21 Day Fix- you can get those and support through me!) and Norwex business will provide us even more income to reach deeper into those goals we have. Where am I starting? I've learned SO much about meal prep and making good tasting, yet healthy meals. Do you want to be my guinea pig group? Just check out more info here to see if it is for you!

**If you want me to share the template I use for our finances- I'm happy to do so!**

Meals for 3/19/16:
Lunch- yum!
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), two drops doTerra Peppermint oil,  and frozen raspberries. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Fixate Meatballs, tomato sauce, parm (1 red, 1/4 purple, 1/2 blue)

Dinner: Steak, shrimp, baked broccoli, champagne (1.5 red, green, 2 yellow)

Snacks: Greek yogurt and apples (1 red, 1 purple)

Workout:  21 Day Fix- Total Body Cardio. Gosh, I am loving being more fit and being able to really kill workouts. You can see a snippet on my Instagram, too. Today I rocked a new shirt I got from Kate Hudson's line Fabletics. To be honest I'm not 100% sure I put it in the right way... and may have been wearing it backwards. It was actually comfy and a huge change from what I usually wear which is yoga pants and a beer shirt! It was also fun to wear because I got to show off my muscles a bit (see above picture) and saw some new friends- helloooo baby triceps!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!