Monday, March 14, 2016

Ready to get Summer Strong? and Meals for 3/14/16...

Daylight Savings started yesterday- and to be honest I don't see what all the hubbub is about. Perhaps I'm the lucky mom of a toddler who really doesn't seem to be impacted by it, he still went to be last night at 8:30 and woke up around 7:45a. I'm dragging a bit this morning- but that's every morning plus it's the dreaded Monday, and it's dreary outside.

Are you ready to get Summer Strong with me?
But do you hear that? That sound? Yea. It's summer- and it's coming quickly! Are you where you want to be with your fitness goals? Do you have a BeachBody workout DVD collecting dust? Are those colorful containers now stacking toys for your toddler?

Well- here's your wake up call and invitation! Join me (starting April 4th) for #SummerStrong with BeachBody and the 21 Day Fix. How do you join? Purchase (if you haven't already) the 21 Day Fix program and containers (purchase here under Shop). You have time to order it NOW and have it shipped in time to start April 4th. Join my Challenge Group (here) and join the BeachBody mega Challenge Group (here).

Why? Because now is the time- if not now, when... right? Need more? You'll get a free t-shirt for completing and entering your results in to the Summer Strong round, a chance to win prize money AND another free t-shirt from BeachBody for completing the 21 Day Fix. Need even more? I'll be here through this blog, our Challenge Group and via email or private FB message to coach you, help you, answer any and all questions.

Don't let another summer come and go while sweating your ass off wearing jeans because you don't feel comfortable in shorts. Don't pass up another summer enjoying splashing in the pool with your kid because you don't like your body in a swimsuit. How do I know about these things? Because this has been me the last, oh, I can't even keep count how many summers. Life is TOO short to avoid the simple pleasures because you don't feel comfortable with the skin you're in. Let me help you, challenge you, support you.

For me, the decision to start was fueled out of anger. I was angry, and sad. If you're angry, sad or just plain ready- join my group (sign up here).  Wondering what you need to get started? I talk a little about that, here. But honestly- the first step is reaching out to me!

Meals for 3/14/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here) and frozen raspberries. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Shredded chicken, fajita veggies, (recipe here) 1 whole wheat tortilla topped with 1/2 a blue of shredded cheese and a dollop of greek yogurt (1.5 red, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1/2 blue)

Lunch- chicken fajita
Dinner: Sweet potatoes, turkey meatballs, tomato sauce, parm, sauteed kale (recipe below) (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1/2 blue, tsp)

Snacks: Apple slices with PB (1 red, tsp)

Container Counts- 3.5 red, 2 purple, 2 yellow, 4 green

Workout: 21 Day Fix Lower Fix- used 15lb weights in each hand the entire time. Definitely felt it, but I then look back to November 4th, 2015 when I was carrying around that extra 30lbs with me every day. Sure helps to motivate me to use them for just 30 minutes- and to NEVER put that weight back on!

Sauteed kale- slice up about 3 cups of kale (stems out), heat pan to medium, add 2 tsp of oil. Add 2tsp chopped garlic- when it starts to brown add the kale. Sautee- stirring so it doesn't burn. I like it a liiiittle crispy, so sautee it about 12 minutes or until wilted.

Roasted sweet potato- slice up one sweet potato (I leave the skin on), toss in 2 tsp of oil, sprinkle with salt. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes, flip over and bake another 20-30. Measure in yellow container and enjoy!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!