Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Muscle Soreness

Today's topic is muscle soreness. No, not the horribly achey flu kind I'm experiencing but soreness from working out. It's the BEST kind of soreness. When I did my first day of the 21 Day Fix (Total Body Cardio) and woke up the next morning feeling like I couldn't even sit on a toilet properly, I knew this program was legit.

I love feeling soreness. To me it is the mark of a good workout, but sometimes it can get out of hand where you don't even want to push play because you're so darn sore! Anyone else experienced that?  Here are a few tips to combat and ease muscle soreness:

*Get enough protein! That soreness is your muscles creating tiny tears that your body then looks for protein to help mend and recover. The 21 Day Fix program, even in the lowest bracket, has at least 4 protein servings per day. I get mine in the morning from Shakeology (duh!) and the rest of the day balance between dairy protein, meat and others. I wrote a post about the red (protein) container, here. 

*Foam roll. You can find foam rollers at Walmart and Target these days - or any sporting goods store. Foam rolling hurts. so. good. It also helps ease muscle soreness. Here is a great article about foam rolling and ways to do it so it really helps!

*Drink enough water. Flush out toxins, aid muscle repair and so many more reasons to stay hydrated. When you're working out you are sweating and being dehydrated makes already sore muscles even worse. Divide your body weight by two- that is how many ounces per day you should be drinking!

*Ibuprofen. Yes- I said it. It's okay to take a pain reliever if it is that bad! Ibuprofen will help with the muscle inflammation and aid with the pain you're feeling in the moment.

*Get some sleep. For your body to recover you need to be getting adequate sleep, especially if you're working out and experiencing muscle soreness. So many amazing things happen when you sleep and muscle repair is one of them!

*Look in to supplements. I take BCAAs after I work out and before bed to help ease soreness. BeachBody has amazing workout supplements including Recover and Recharge. If I workout extra hard in the morning I most definitely take Recharge at night and I swear it helps me sleep better and eases muscle soreness. If your muscles are less sore you can push harder during that next workout- win win!

*Along the topic of protein- be sure you're fueling your body with healthy food. If you hammer down a cheeseburger and fries after your workout, your body most likely is not getting what it needs to repair. I love the 21 Day Fix meal plan because it is a balance of all types of food that helps my body repair itself with the nutrients it needs.

*Take a bath. There's not much better than a hot bath to ease muscle soreness. Put some epsom salts in there, too, for good measure. I also like to ice right after (especially after leg day) and then take a hot shower or bath at night.

These are just a few! I'm sure there are more tips out there, won't you share them with me in the comments? I'd love to add to the list!

Meals for 3/23/16:
Breakfast: Vegan Chocolate Shakeology (more about Shakeology here) blended with spinach, cold press coffee (recipe here), and frozen raspberries. Green tea. (1 red, 1 purple, 2 green)

Lunch: Whole wheat macaroni, Fixate tomato sauce, Fixate turkey meatballs, parm with a cut up apple and PB (1 yellow, 1 green, 1 red, 1/4 blue, 1 purple, 2 tsp)

Dinner: Fell off the rails and gave in to this horrible sickness- enjoyed (every bite) of a Wendy's chicken sandwich, double cheeseburger and Klondike bar. Sometimes you just give in- the 80/20 rule, folks!

Workout: Took the day off to rest and recover... darn you flu!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!