Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The switch from the Fix to PiYo

In the beginning of February I finished my first round of 21 Day Fix Extreme. After doing 3 rounds of 21 Day Fix (regular) I wanted more of a challenge- and boy I got it! The 21 Day Fix Extreme was a whole different beast from the regular Fix- mainly in the plyo aspect. It was a whole lot of jumping and I got my booty handed to me.

Checking off days on my PiYo journey!
I was feeling a little beat up and torn as to whether to start another round of Extreme, go back to the regular Fix or begin a new program. I'd had my eye on PiYo for a few weeks but was worried I'd lose progress going to a less intense program. I've always loved yoga and Pilates and I definitely need to work on my upper body and core strength. I am fortunate to be naturally flexible but being able to add strength to the mix is a real bonus.

So- I bit the bullet and began PiYo- the whole time worrying about not gaining muscle or continuing my weight loss and especially worried about a Rest Day! A REST DAY?! What is that?! The 21 Day Fix and Fix Extreme do not have rest days so this was a new (and terrifying) concept to me.

I'm now beginning Week 4 of PiYo and can tell you since starting this program I've lost 5lbs and can do more push ups than before. My wrist strength and flexibility are improving (side planks are getting easier!) and I LOVE Friday (it's the rest day!). The workouts vary in length from 18-48 minutes and as I'm getting deeper in to the program they're getting more challenging.  The instructor, Chalene Johnson (a fellow Johnson!), is so quirky and encouraging. She's funky and I'm beginning to like her style.

Addition on 3/4/16- just did Drench for the first time. Holy. Cats. That is a craaaazy workout. I'm excited to meet it again each week and improve as I know what I'm doing and gain strength!
Next program? We'll see!

The current plan is to stick with this program and see it through the entire 8 weeks. The 21 Day Fix is (duh!) 21 Days so committing to a program for 8 whole weeks is different, for sure. I definitely am seeing fine-toning and upper body strength grow.

Of course- I am always looking forward... so when I signed up to be a BeachBody coach I ordered The Master's Hammer and Chisel as my program. Is that what is up next? We'll see! I've calmed down a bit and found my flow, realizing that I can actually experiment with programs and I'm not anxious that I'm losing time or ground. I've learned to trust the BeachBody programs- they work, they're researched and there are so many dynamic workouts to keep you busy and engaged. What will be YOUR first program?

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

**Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!**