Monday, February 29, 2016

Let me be your coach!

Let me be your support!
Here's my dream- that I'm going to share with you. My dream is to help YOU (and others) achieve their health goals. Whether that is running a marathon or just making sure your next meal is good for you- I want to help.

BeachBody is built on Challenge Groups that help provide support, challenge, tips, ideas- and I have yet to build my own. I've been a part of a few groups and feel I'm ready to begin my own, but of course I need people.

This is me reaching out- if you want to be a part of my first group (on FB) let me know. Email me, FB message me, text me, fill out the form... just reach out! The group will focus on workouts, meal planning, celebrating successes and lifting you up during challenging times. You can silently watch (and get something out of it!) but I encourage you to post and engage- show others your journey. It is so rewarding.

Through this group I'll be able to fine-tune my coaching skills,  learn from you all and help support you with the knowledge I've gained. I've been called a meal-prep master, which I think is one of the hardest things to conquer and keep on track with. Let me share my tips with you! I promise it isn't that hard (once you do it a few times!).

Do you have to be doing a BeachBody program? NOPE! Do you have to be using Shakeology? NOPE! Do you have to be a fitness freak? HECK NO! I just want to begin building a group of engaged, supportive people who are ready to make a change in their lives- like I was. If you already have a BeachBody coach my goal is not to steal you- it is to provide additional and extra support if you want it.

I'm a meal-prep master-
let me help YOU!
I want to give back. Will you let me give back to you?

Side note: Of course I CAN help you begin a BeachBody program or try Shakeology, too! I just want to make it clear that my focus is motivating YOU and however that comes about is great!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!


Every morning (every!) for breakfast I enjoy Shakeology. It's not for everyone - but it is definitely for me and something that I attribute a lot of my success to. It's a powder that comes in so many flavors (Strawberry, Chocolate, Cafe Latte, Vanilla, Greenberry and even Vegan flavors!). Not a protein shake, not a meal replacement- a little of everything!

Ingredient list for Shakeology
Why do I believe and use Shakeology every day?
*Each bag replaces 30 (!!) meals a month. It's not an additional cost, it's a replacement for a meal you're already eating and paying for. Break it down that way and it just makes sense. We don't often see the price of our meals broken down that way, in one monthly payment- and when you roll down the numbers one serving is around $4.00. That cost can easily beat that breakfast cost or lunch- and hands down it is healthier than that meal you're preparing or ordering.

*I DO attribute a lot of my success (I've lost 50lbs so far!) to Shakeology. The food is the hard part of the weight loss journey. Working out takes only 2% of your day for a 30 minute workout- it is the other 98% that kills me. I made it a habit each day to make my shake in the morning and enjoy it on the way to work. It is giving my body what it needs to be functional and healthy, tastes good and is packed with more nutrients than I could ever put together alone. The other reason I have found success with it is in those "emergency" times- when I haven't prepped anything, am feeling hangry or just neeeeed something sweet (hello time of the month!).

*Not only does it curb cravings and help with weight loss- you'll see longer, healthier hair and nails. I have longer hair but it's rather thin- after starting with Shakeology daily I saw a weird thing happen... my hair got happier! My skin cleared up and my nails were healthy and strong. Those superfoods don't mess around- they help every part of your body!

*It makes it easy to start my day off right, every day. I think if I started my morning off with a rushed breakfast of something unhealthy (or worse- nothing at all!) that would give me permission to mess up the rest of my day with food. It is just a habit now to quickly grab spinach, cold press coffee and a fruit- blend and go. I drink it on my way to work each day!

*It is extremely nutrient packed- don't think of it as just a protein shake! When you dig in to the research and ingredients you'll see the research and science behind each flavor and understand that the price really is extremely fair! It has a low-glycemic index (no blood sugar spikes) and is gluten free. If you want to nerd out- go here. All the info you ever wanted (and more) is here! I've stopped taking my daily multi-vitamin and notice less joint and back pain. Seriously- dig in and learn something about it, you'll be impressed.

*There is a "bottom of the bag"guarantee- try it for a month, drink it every day. See how it makes your mornings easier, your energy higher and starts your day off right (or makes an easy snack or meal!). Don't love it? Get your money back. Recently I tried the Cafe Latte flavor and found out I was not a fan. Instead of sucking it up and powering through it- I easily shipped it back and exchanged it for a new flavor.

*It's an investment and it intentionally every day. Money can be a motivating factor to commit to health. Don't people buy gym memberships for that reason? I'm paying the money and I want to see results! I'm making an investment financially and why the heck would I waste that to screw up the rest of my day food-wise?

*I saved money by becoming a BeachBody coach. I get an automatic home delivery each month- and also am a coach. Nitty gritty- I save about $15 each month on Shakeology for being a coach. Do you have to sell anything to be a coach? No! Can you just enjoy the monthly Shakeology discount? Yes! I'd love to help you start saving on your monthly bag. This discount isn't only or your monthly Shakeology though- you also get money off on programs and fitness gear/equipment and BeachBody supplements. Email me if you are interested.

*Afraid you won't like the flavor? Try a Sampler Pack (message me for details!)- you get one serving of ALL seven flavors Shakeology has to offer. It's a fairly risk-free way to enjoy Shakeology, find your favorite and then order a monthly supply of what you love. Bonus? You can order mixed packet boxes, too! So each month you get a bit of many flavors. How fun!

If you are looking for more please read this post by one of my upline Coaches- she nails a lot of points!

Sprinkles on Shakeology!
I typically use Chocolate Shakeology and blend it in my Ninja blender with a bunch of spinach, a fruit (raspberries are a fave!), cold press coffee and water. Sometimes I'll add a drop of peppermint, almond or vanilla extract. When I'm feeling super sassy I'll put some sprinkles on top- just because I can. Every day before 8am I'm getting a helping of protein, veggies, fruit- not to mention the superfoods packed in to Shakeology.

I guess what I'm saying is that Shakeology is worth it. Every penny. It gets me off on the right foot each day, is extremely healthy and SO easy to put together for a tasty and healthy breakfast each morning. Some folks use it as a pre or post-workout protein shake or for another meal of the day.

PS: Side story on the sprinkles- because some think it's a bit weird to have sprinkles and be 33 years old. Zeke and I took a Target run and he was getting a bit antsy so first-time mom here grabbed the jar of sprinkles for him to play with while we shopped. Well, as you can predict, there was no way in hell that kid was giving up a jar of sprinkles when we got to the checkout- so we scanned them (from his death-gripping hands) and went home with a new jar of sprinkles. 

So how do you get your mitts on some Shakeology? I can send you Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry, you can rock the sampler pack (7 servings, 1 of each available flavor) or you can get it as a monthly delivery (discount coaches get % off!). If you bundle it with a program you save 50% off that workout program- so if you have your eye on Fix Extreme, P90X, Master's Hammer and Chisel or more your best bet is to get it with a bag of Shakeology to save some moolah! #themoreyouknow

Friday, February 26, 2016

The journey so far..

Before we begin, let me catch you up on the last few months. On November 4th, 2015 I joined a BeachBody Challenge Group after having ordered the 21 Day Fix workout program and Shakeology. I thought- let's give this a try. After having varying success with joining a gym, canceling a gym membership, joining Weight Watchers (many times) and canceling a Weight Watchers membership (many times), trying to do yoga at home... and more- this was the next thing "I'd give a shot".

Shakeology- my breakfast every day! 
I wasn't happy with my body, my energy, how I felt, the example I was setting for my family and son. I knew I had better inside of me and I was sick and tired of hating myself. November 4th was exactly 21 days before Thanksgiving- what a dumb time to start, right?! The holidays looming, treats and booze everywhere, travel to family on the calendar, but I decided to give it a shot anyway.

Confession: I am too lazy to go to a gym. There. I said it. Maybe this is why BeachBody programs work for me- I don't have to leave my house. I can workout in a Badger Hill beer shirt and not be judged. I can wear shoes- or not. I have found the most success with working out by using workout DVDs- which is perfect, because that is pretty much all BeachBody offers! Winning.

The 21 Day Fix, if you're not familiar is lead by Autumn Calabrese and is one of the many, many BeachBody programs. It's focused on utilizing the colored container meal plan along with daily workouts (only 30 minutes each) for 21 Days. It takes 21 Days to make a habit stick- that's the goal. I've done the 21 Day Fix for 3 rounds, 21 Day Fix Extreme for 1 round and am now starting Week 4 of PiYo.

Fast forward to now and I'm down many, many inches, two pant sizes and 30lbs on the dot. WUT. How the heck did that happen? What was the switch that flipped? For the record I do not know what switch flipped- but I'm not asking questions and I'm just moving forward.

Left- Feb 2015, Right- Feb 2016

Yea- re-read that. I'd call that success... and it happened one ass-kicking workout and food-focused day at a time. I've had people ask "what is your secret?", to which I reply "kicking my own ass". We are so focused on the quick fix, the easy plan- but my "secret" is... it's not easy. It is a struggle. A frustrating, roller coaster, amazing, high-filled journey. It is getting up early (for those of you who know me.. this is TOUGH!) and sacrificing time with my family and friends. It is turning down the damn donuts our Head Brewer brings in almost daily and passing up on that lunch pint (I work for a brewery!).

For the past 4 months I've pretty much kept my celebrations and struggles to myself and my Challenge groups. I think I was afraid to celebrate in "public" because I was (and am) hearing that voice in my head "what if you gain it all back" and "it can't stick too much longer, you'll just slip up again". Damn. That voice is loud.

Meal Prep for weekday lunch fajitas
The food part for me was a first hard, then weird, then easy. Hard because starting anything new is hard- learning the containers, what is approved, portion sizes. That's hard for me. Then it got weird because I was throwing whatever together for meals that were neither tasty or easy. Then easy- I of course used Pinterest and good ole' Google to find recipes and Fix Approved blogs (see the side bar for a few)and got inspiration from Challenge groups. Now the food part is awesome- and fun. I'm actually making really delicious food. I'm not a salad person by nature and am proud to say I have only eaten salad a handful of times. You DO NOT have to eat like a rabbit to be healthy- you CAN have carbs (and should!) and other diet myths I have learned have been exposed and found false with this program.

I hope to inspire folks to begin their own journey- whether it matches mine or not. I hope to show you it isn't easy, but it is worth it. It's not a fast journey, but it is worth it. I'll share what I'm eating each day, workouts I'm doing, tips I'm learning, weird or funny life stories. If you want to make me your BeachBody coach and get started on an amazing program- great. If you want to use me as a resource- even better!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

**Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
Fill out my interest form here
and I'll see you in the group!**

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Becoming a Coach

I wanted to write a post for folks who are thinking about becoming a Coach. Whether your reasons be financial (saving on Shakeology and DVDs or making an income), personal (wanting to help others see success like you've had) or physical (want the accountability from a group to stick to YOUR goals)- it's a good one.

My story... I started with my coach on 11/4/15. I resisted, resisted, resisted becoming a Coach even though I loved Shakeology (more on that here) and the workout programs. Well- I basically threw away money by doing that. So, I got smart, signed up as a Discount Coach on February 12th, 2016 and enjoyed the monthly dollars I saved. I purchased a new program and the Fixate Cookbook- enjoyed the Discount Coach discount.

Then I started to see major results from the 21 Day Fix. People started asking how I did it. People started asking what the drink I had every morning was. People started wanting what I had achieved. So, I "sold" my first Challenge Pack. Then signed up my first Coach. Then sold a 7-Day Shakeology Sampler Pack. And on, and on, and on.  I started as a Discount and became a Working. I'm addicted to helping others achieve results like I have achieved- and that's where I'm at now!

Let me break it down for you- there are two types of coaches:

*Discount Coach

*Working Coach

The Discount Coach is just that- a discount coach. They love a good deal, enjoy drinking Shakeology daily, may want to try some new programs in the future. They don't want to necessarily make income from others purchasing through them.

The Working Coach is someone sharing their journey, perhaps running challenge groups, earning income if anyone does want to get in on the goodness and purchase any Beachbody products through them. They ALSO enjoy a good deal, enjoy drinking Shakeology daily and also want to try new programs in the future.

The similarity?

BOTH have access to the exact same resources, websites, training. BOTH can choose to "sell" or not to "sell". I put "sell" in quotations because being a Working Coach is truly (no, for real) just sharing and helping others achieve their goals like you achieved yours- but for simplicity we'll use the word "sell".  When you sign up to be a coach (either Discount or Working) you get the discount, you see results, you motivate others.

Nitty gritty... to be a coach get a Challenge Pack when you sign up (Shakeology monthly delivery + a workout program). This way you get a new program to try, you get that automatic monthly delivery of your Shakeology superfoods AND the $40 sign up fee is waived. If you do the math you SAVE money AND get a sweet new program.

Then, every month after that (for both Discount and Working) you'll see the payment for your discounted Shakeology come through (around $107) and your "coach fee" ($16). That coach fee gives you access to two websites for people to purchase through you and a library of amazing training and informational materials. Again, do the math- you're saving bucks on your monthly Shakeology, you have access to purchase additional programs at a discount AND you can make income if you choose.

But your journey is up to YOU. I'd be happy as a clam if you just enjoyed that monthly Shakeology discount and if you wanted to, bought new programs to try at a screaming deal. But... if that switch flips- people ask how you got fit and happy and healthy- you can tell them. They can get the results, too. They can get the tools to do so from you. Just something to chew on.

If you DO decide to become a Coach, Discount OR Working- I'm here for you. Here to answer questions, here in any capacity!

What if you choose it's not for you? You just cancel. You can cancel any time, there is no fee or penalty. It's nice to know that it is a risk-free opportunity- you can get your feet wet, learn about it more by becoming a Discount Coach and if it's not for you, no harm, no foul.

So, what are you waiting for?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Welcome to the Meal Plan!

You've just made a huge step to a healthier you. I am SO proud of you!! Start toying around and learning about the meal plan NOW!

Here is a link to the workout calendar- print it out! Use it to track the weights you use and check off each workout as you finish it. Also use it to write your WHY at the top- reflecting on that often can help you refocus as we get tired, negative and run down.

Read the Eating Plan booklet you got in your original package front to back
. It lays out the containers, the thoughts behind them, the food lists and more.

Download the 21 Day Fix app if you have an iPhone. You can enter your weight and it will give you your calorie bracket automatically and populate the containers you get each day within the app. Then use the app to check off your containers for each meal. I've also attached a container "cheat sheet" that gives actual measurements for each container- use this if you're on the go.

Next read this blog post
- it talks about the containers and there are a few links about specific containers and ideas on how to use them.

The BeachBody page has a TON of recipes that include container counts for each recipe. Click on Eat Smart and Recipes tab.

When you're starting off- use the app as your guide on your phone. It has the container food lists to refer to on the go. Keep it simple! Keep hard boiled eggs on hand for easy protein, make a whole wheat tortilla turkey wrap for lunch, slice up fresh veggies to have on the go, make whole grain rice to grab easily.

I did a post on meal prepping- read it over. Meal prepping is KEY. I do bulk prep where I'll make a ton of chicken and put it in a container, make a ton of veggies (roasted broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc), make a ton of rice, roast sweet potatoes and have them on hand, etc. That way you can just add seasoning and make a quick and easy meal.

This is ALL good starter info. Again, keep it simple in the beginning. Reach out if you have any questions- I hope this helps!!

You've also been added to our accountability group on Facebook. Take an hour or so and scroll through, get ideas and see what we're all about! When you took the intro survey you checked off and agreed to follow our group expectations. The expectations are there to make sure we all succeed in giving, getting and thriving in the group! I took some time to write a quick post about them, filling in the gaps for you. Take a few minutes to read them over in this post

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Group Expectations for Jen's Accountability Groups

Each Challenge Group has seven group expectations- they are outlined in detail below. When you signed up you checked a box agreeing to follow all seven. Why? Because following these seven simple expectations ensures everyone is on the same page and we're all giving and receiving from this group. These groups are not meant for Facebook "ghosts" and voyeurs- they're meant for people like you and me who are really here to see some change, support others in their journey and see success with BeachBody programs and Shakeology.

So, plug in- let's help each other kick some serious butt!

Round 1 Day 1 vs Round 4 Day 21

The first expectation is to take before and after pictures today. 

Do it. Right now.

The scale is a dirty, dirty liar. It cannot be trusted. Yes, if you want- weigh yourself. Only do it once a week on Monday AM- 🔹not🔹 daily for goodness sake! Log those numbers but don't hang your hat on them. Be proud of them, for sure, but don't beat yourself up!

When you begin to eat healthier, gain muscle, drink half your body weight in water (that's what's recommended)- the scale will fluctuate. During my time of the month I gain - no matter what. Beating yourself up because of the scale is neither healthy or helpful in your progress.

Photos tell the story! Clothes ALSO tell the story- how do your jeans fit? How's that button up fitting? That's where you should be focusing!

If you feel comfortable- share your full body before photo in the comments. Even if you don't feel comfortable posting them, still take them- you won't regret it and it's inspiring to look back and see the progress you've made.

My story- I started at 181lbs and a tight size 14 on November 4, 2015. Over six rounds of the Fix and 45 days of PiYo I have (so far) lost 38.8lbs and am a size 6. But what I am most shocked about is the loss of back flab and gain in muscle. My shoulders are getting toned and abs are starting to come out to play. You can get to a place where you're happy with yourself and your effort and dare I say PROUD of your progress. It's a marathon- not a sprint, and I look forward to being your coach!

The next Group Expectation is to Encourage Others!

This group was built to encourage, support and hold you accountable. It's definitely my job as your BeachBody Coach to lead that charge- but it also falls on you to do the same!

If you see a post, give it a like, that goes a long way and shows them people are listening. Take a second to comment and respond to what they posted. Learn from each other.

We get so busy scrolling, scrolling, scrolling that we sometimes forget to make meaningful interactions. Yes! Those are still possible even on Facevook! Use this group to make them. If you see someone has gone MIA- send them a private message to check in to see how they're doing.

You never know the power of your positive words and you never know who needs them. Spread them around like sunshine!

Our next Group Expectation is to ask questions!
Don't know how to cook what someone posted? Ask!
Struggling with what to put in that green container? Ask!
Have no clue how to use workout supplements? Ask!
Wondering how to do that tricky workout move? Ask!
Love the shoes their wearing and want them, too? Ask!

Don't sit in silence. Engage and learn from this team of people. I will do my best to be responsive quickly but I'm not an expert. I am asking that 🔹you🔹 all chime in to answer questions, too. We have such great talent and diverse experiences- let's learn from each other!

The next Group Expectation I want to hit is to be authentic! 

Share your happy dance moments and why they make you smile but also share your frustrations and when things get tough (they will!) do not disappear. Keep plugged in here for support and motivation!

We are all at different places with our lives, our nutrition and our fitness. Share YOUR journey- you never know who is watching and who you're inspiring (here and at home!).

Lastly, don't compare. Don't compare to me (I've been doing this for a while!), don't compare to your cousin Suzy who magically dropped 15lbs over night, don't compare to anyone but yourself. Be better than you were yesterday, that's where then"magic" is. If you DO compare use it to *motivate* yourself, not take the wind out of your own sails.

Be authentic. Be you!

The next Group Expectation is to 🔹post daily🔹! 

Commenting on others posts is also expected but you should be posting on the wall, too! Why? It keeps you plugged in, the group alive, inspires others, gives them ideas and is an integral part of this group!

What should you post? A sweaty selfie, a pic of your meals, what workout gear you love, a question about a container or workout move, a motivational quote that struck you.

On to the next Group Expectation- Workout every day for 21 days!

Real talk- commit or you'll quit. It's only 30 minutes (2% of your entire day!). Talk with your partner about when you'll workout and stress how important it is that you get your daily workouts in. Prepare the space with water, your weights and a towel. Set your workout clothes out the night before (or sleep in them if you're working out in the AM) and fill your water bottle. Then set your jaw and do it!

The first week (if you've never done the Fix) is a learning curve- you're seeing the workouts for the first time, learning them and the moves and you'll be sore. It's a test- commit to passing it!

Lastly- if you DO miss a day, prepare to workout twice the next day. I can tell you from experience you do not want to make it a habit!

The last Group Expectation is to share your goals. 
Please comment below with 1-3 goals you have over the 21 days! These can be fitness related, nutrition, or more. Comment below! 

On top of your tracking calendar (print it from the Files tab in the group) is where you can write them down. Look at them every day, make them your phone wallpaper, stick to them! When you are so sore or your boss brings in cupcakes or your husband says you should skip your workout... Reflect on these goals and if your actions will make them happen.

I have BeachBody goals and fitness goals written down at all times!

Thank YOU for being a part of this group and I am honored to be your coach! 

You just ordered Shakeology, now what?!

Your delicious package of Shakeology is on it's way- yay! I wanted to be sure to set you up for success. 

You should drink Shakeology every single day. This will ensure you are getting all of the health and nutrition benefits it offers. Taking it only occasionally won't hurt, but it won't help you as best as it can! Blend it with spinach, fruit, and more for breakfast. Have it as an easy on-the-go meal with water in your shaker cup, drink it for dessert. However you do it- just drink it every singe day!

Here's the site that has all of the answers to questions about Shakeology you may have:  as well as a great post on Shakeology and it's personal benefits to me, here

One commonly asked question is "What if I want to change my flavor" or "What if I want to do packets instead of the bag (or vice versa". To do that click here! You can choose to permanently change it or just change it for the next month!

On that same note- here's a tip. I always for whatever reason run out before my next order arrived. To avoid that- I'd go to that link (here) and change your Current Ship Day. This will ensure your next bag comes before you run out of your current bag! 

Your Shakeology order is charged and shipped on the same day each month- what a fun treat to look forward to! 

Let me know if you have any questions- and welcome to being healthier than you've ever been before!