Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Becoming a Coach

I wanted to write a post for folks who are thinking about becoming a Coach. Whether your reasons be financial (saving on Shakeology and DVDs or making an income), personal (wanting to help others see success like you've had) or physical (want the accountability from a group to stick to YOUR goals)- it's a good one.

My story... I started with my coach on 11/4/15. I resisted, resisted, resisted becoming a Coach even though I loved Shakeology (more on that here) and the workout programs. Well- I basically threw away money by doing that. So, I got smart, signed up as a Discount Coach on February 12th, 2016 and enjoyed the monthly dollars I saved. I purchased a new program and the Fixate Cookbook- enjoyed the Discount Coach discount.

Then I started to see major results from the 21 Day Fix. People started asking how I did it. People started asking what the drink I had every morning was. People started wanting what I had achieved. So, I "sold" my first Challenge Pack. Then signed up my first Coach. Then sold a 7-Day Shakeology Sampler Pack. And on, and on, and on.  I started as a Discount and became a Working. I'm addicted to helping others achieve results like I have achieved- and that's where I'm at now!

Let me break it down for you- there are two types of coaches:

*Discount Coach

*Working Coach

The Discount Coach is just that- a discount coach. They love a good deal, enjoy drinking Shakeology daily, may want to try some new programs in the future. They don't want to necessarily make income from others purchasing through them.

The Working Coach is someone sharing their journey, perhaps running challenge groups, earning income if anyone does want to get in on the goodness and purchase any Beachbody products through them. They ALSO enjoy a good deal, enjoy drinking Shakeology daily and also want to try new programs in the future.

The similarity?

BOTH have access to the exact same resources, websites, training. BOTH can choose to "sell" or not to "sell". I put "sell" in quotations because being a Working Coach is truly (no, for real) just sharing and helping others achieve their goals like you achieved yours- but for simplicity we'll use the word "sell".  When you sign up to be a coach (either Discount or Working) you get the discount, you see results, you motivate others.

Nitty gritty... to be a coach get a Challenge Pack when you sign up (Shakeology monthly delivery + a workout program). This way you get a new program to try, you get that automatic monthly delivery of your Shakeology superfoods AND the $40 sign up fee is waived. If you do the math you SAVE money AND get a sweet new program.

Then, every month after that (for both Discount and Working) you'll see the payment for your discounted Shakeology come through (around $107) and your "coach fee" ($16). That coach fee gives you access to two websites for people to purchase through you and a library of amazing training and informational materials. Again, do the math- you're saving bucks on your monthly Shakeology, you have access to purchase additional programs at a discount AND you can make income if you choose.

But your journey is up to YOU. I'd be happy as a clam if you just enjoyed that monthly Shakeology discount and if you wanted to, bought new programs to try at a screaming deal. But... if that switch flips- people ask how you got fit and happy and healthy- you can tell them. They can get the results, too. They can get the tools to do so from you. Just something to chew on.

If you DO decide to become a Coach, Discount OR Working- I'm here for you. Here to answer questions, here in any capacity!

What if you choose it's not for you? You just cancel. You can cancel any time, there is no fee or penalty. It's nice to know that it is a risk-free opportunity- you can get your feet wet, learn about it more by becoming a Discount Coach and if it's not for you, no harm, no foul.

So, what are you waiting for?