Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Let's talk Containers

Before I go to deep in this blog- you're going to start wondering (if you aren't familiar with the 21 Day Fix) what the heck all this talk about containers and colors is... so let me give a brief description.

The 6 colored containers come with the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme and The Master's Hammer & Chisel as a part of the meal plan. Let me tell you- when you see them for the first time you may be thinking "What the heeeeeeeck? I'm going to starve!". Before you toss them or give them to your toddler as stacking blocks- let me tell you how the system works.

You get a set amount of each container a day based on your weight and calories needed to lose or maintain weight. I don't do math- so if you want to calculate yours here's a great on-line tool to use to get your calorie bracket.

Calorie Brackets and Containers
For me I'm in the lowest bracket (started in the 2nd level). I get 3 green (veggie) containers, 4 red (protein), 2 yellow (carbs), 2 purple (fruit), one blue (healthy fats/nuts/cheeses), one orange (oil/seeds) and 2 tsp (PB, EVOO etc.). The food list for what is approved for each container is listed here.

Let me give you a pro-insider-tip: use the containers as MEASURING scoops- not Tupperware. I prepare large batches of a food (greens, rice, meat etc.) and measure out from the large container in to daily containers.  I'll do a big post on meal prep later- as I do truly (truly!) believe that this is a key in your and my success.

iPhone 21 Day Fix App
Sometimes once you think you get the hang of a program you think "Oh, I don't need to measure things out anymore- I can eyeball it.". Okay friend, I thought the same way and would eyeball my snack each day. One day I tried measuring it again and saw I was cheating myself on the red container of greek yogurt- my protein! Protein is a neeeeeed when you're building muscle and I was cheating myself out of it. Some folks will "eyeball" and give themselves more- and blame the program for not working. People, I beg of you, USE the containers as measuring scoops and (as much as you can!) measure out your foods. Speaking of tracking- are you an awesome iPhone user? You're in luck my friend! There is a FREE app you can use to track your daily container usage. Inside the app each day looks like the image to the left and as you use your containers it deducts from the total.

Example of a breakfast- red for Shakeology,
green for spinach, purple for raspberries
Now that I'm four months into the program it has become second nature to me to know how many containers I have each day to use- but I still measure everything out. The program really does become second nature and you begin to think of foods as colors. There are barely any "NO!" foods. Here's your burning question- can I drink alcohol or eat chocolate on this program? Yes, you fool! Of course you can! How else would it be a lifestyle? When you start off I say to use your yellow container as a swap for wine or beer or a sweet treat 2-3 times a week.  As you learn the program give your self a cheat meal- just be sure it's not a cheat day/weekend/week. You know yourself- will having one awesomely off-container meal send you in to a horrible down slide? Well... then maybe don't do that early in the program. You know yourself and your triggers!

Alllll the colors!
So that's that- any questions? SO many, right?! Reach out to me via email or comment below. I'd love to help clarify tricky questions! If you're ready to jump in and order the 21 Day Fix containers to begin a healthier eating lifestyle you can find them here.

Oh, and here is a list of what you can put in each container. I love that it isn't limiting, there is something for everyone!

Here are helpful posts on each container:
*Focus on the Yellow Container

*Focus on the Green Container

*Focus on the Red Container

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

**Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
and I'll see you in the group!**