Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Group Expectations for Jen's Accountability Groups

Each Challenge Group has seven group expectations- they are outlined in detail below. When you signed up you checked a box agreeing to follow all seven. Why? Because following these seven simple expectations ensures everyone is on the same page and we're all giving and receiving from this group. These groups are not meant for Facebook "ghosts" and voyeurs- they're meant for people like you and me who are really here to see some change, support others in their journey and see success with BeachBody programs and Shakeology.

So, plug in- let's help each other kick some serious butt!

Round 1 Day 1 vs Round 4 Day 21

The first expectation is to take before and after pictures today. 

Do it. Right now.

The scale is a dirty, dirty liar. It cannot be trusted. Yes, if you want- weigh yourself. Only do it once a week on Monday AM- 🔹not🔹 daily for goodness sake! Log those numbers but don't hang your hat on them. Be proud of them, for sure, but don't beat yourself up!

When you begin to eat healthier, gain muscle, drink half your body weight in water (that's what's recommended)- the scale will fluctuate. During my time of the month I gain - no matter what. Beating yourself up because of the scale is neither healthy or helpful in your progress.

Photos tell the story! Clothes ALSO tell the story- how do your jeans fit? How's that button up fitting? That's where you should be focusing!

If you feel comfortable- share your full body before photo in the comments. Even if you don't feel comfortable posting them, still take them- you won't regret it and it's inspiring to look back and see the progress you've made.

My story- I started at 181lbs and a tight size 14 on November 4, 2015. Over six rounds of the Fix and 45 days of PiYo I have (so far) lost 38.8lbs and am a size 6. But what I am most shocked about is the loss of back flab and gain in muscle. My shoulders are getting toned and abs are starting to come out to play. You can get to a place where you're happy with yourself and your effort and dare I say PROUD of your progress. It's a marathon- not a sprint, and I look forward to being your coach!

The next Group Expectation is to Encourage Others!

This group was built to encourage, support and hold you accountable. It's definitely my job as your BeachBody Coach to lead that charge- but it also falls on you to do the same!

If you see a post, give it a like, that goes a long way and shows them people are listening. Take a second to comment and respond to what they posted. Learn from each other.

We get so busy scrolling, scrolling, scrolling that we sometimes forget to make meaningful interactions. Yes! Those are still possible even on Facevook! Use this group to make them. If you see someone has gone MIA- send them a private message to check in to see how they're doing.

You never know the power of your positive words and you never know who needs them. Spread them around like sunshine!

Our next Group Expectation is to ask questions!
Don't know how to cook what someone posted? Ask!
Struggling with what to put in that green container? Ask!
Have no clue how to use workout supplements? Ask!
Wondering how to do that tricky workout move? Ask!
Love the shoes their wearing and want them, too? Ask!

Don't sit in silence. Engage and learn from this team of people. I will do my best to be responsive quickly but I'm not an expert. I am asking that 🔹you🔹 all chime in to answer questions, too. We have such great talent and diverse experiences- let's learn from each other!

The next Group Expectation I want to hit is to be authentic! 

Share your happy dance moments and why they make you smile but also share your frustrations and when things get tough (they will!) do not disappear. Keep plugged in here for support and motivation!

We are all at different places with our lives, our nutrition and our fitness. Share YOUR journey- you never know who is watching and who you're inspiring (here and at home!).

Lastly, don't compare. Don't compare to me (I've been doing this for a while!), don't compare to your cousin Suzy who magically dropped 15lbs over night, don't compare to anyone but yourself. Be better than you were yesterday, that's where then"magic" is. If you DO compare use it to *motivate* yourself, not take the wind out of your own sails.

Be authentic. Be you!

The next Group Expectation is to 🔹post daily🔹! 

Commenting on others posts is also expected but you should be posting on the wall, too! Why? It keeps you plugged in, the group alive, inspires others, gives them ideas and is an integral part of this group!

What should you post? A sweaty selfie, a pic of your meals, what workout gear you love, a question about a container or workout move, a motivational quote that struck you.

On to the next Group Expectation- Workout every day for 21 days!

Real talk- commit or you'll quit. It's only 30 minutes (2% of your entire day!). Talk with your partner about when you'll workout and stress how important it is that you get your daily workouts in. Prepare the space with water, your weights and a towel. Set your workout clothes out the night before (or sleep in them if you're working out in the AM) and fill your water bottle. Then set your jaw and do it!

The first week (if you've never done the Fix) is a learning curve- you're seeing the workouts for the first time, learning them and the moves and you'll be sore. It's a test- commit to passing it!

Lastly- if you DO miss a day, prepare to workout twice the next day. I can tell you from experience you do not want to make it a habit!

The last Group Expectation is to share your goals. 
Please comment below with 1-3 goals you have over the 21 days! These can be fitness related, nutrition, or more. Comment below! 

On top of your tracking calendar (print it from the Files tab in the group) is where you can write them down. Look at them every day, make them your phone wallpaper, stick to them! When you are so sore or your boss brings in cupcakes or your husband says you should skip your workout... Reflect on these goals and if your actions will make them happen.

I have BeachBody goals and fitness goals written down at all times!

Thank YOU for being a part of this group and I am honored to be your coach!