Friday, February 26, 2016

The journey so far..

Before we begin, let me catch you up on the last few months. On November 4th, 2015 I joined a BeachBody Challenge Group after having ordered the 21 Day Fix workout program and Shakeology. I thought- let's give this a try. After having varying success with joining a gym, canceling a gym membership, joining Weight Watchers (many times) and canceling a Weight Watchers membership (many times), trying to do yoga at home... and more- this was the next thing "I'd give a shot".

Shakeology- my breakfast every day! 
I wasn't happy with my body, my energy, how I felt, the example I was setting for my family and son. I knew I had better inside of me and I was sick and tired of hating myself. November 4th was exactly 21 days before Thanksgiving- what a dumb time to start, right?! The holidays looming, treats and booze everywhere, travel to family on the calendar, but I decided to give it a shot anyway.

Confession: I am too lazy to go to a gym. There. I said it. Maybe this is why BeachBody programs work for me- I don't have to leave my house. I can workout in a Badger Hill beer shirt and not be judged. I can wear shoes- or not. I have found the most success with working out by using workout DVDs- which is perfect, because that is pretty much all BeachBody offers! Winning.

The 21 Day Fix, if you're not familiar is lead by Autumn Calabrese and is one of the many, many BeachBody programs. It's focused on utilizing the colored container meal plan along with daily workouts (only 30 minutes each) for 21 Days. It takes 21 Days to make a habit stick- that's the goal. I've done the 21 Day Fix for 3 rounds, 21 Day Fix Extreme for 1 round and am now starting Week 4 of PiYo.

Fast forward to now and I'm down many, many inches, two pant sizes and 30lbs on the dot. WUT. How the heck did that happen? What was the switch that flipped? For the record I do not know what switch flipped- but I'm not asking questions and I'm just moving forward.

Left- Feb 2015, Right- Feb 2016

Yea- re-read that. I'd call that success... and it happened one ass-kicking workout and food-focused day at a time. I've had people ask "what is your secret?", to which I reply "kicking my own ass". We are so focused on the quick fix, the easy plan- but my "secret" is... it's not easy. It is a struggle. A frustrating, roller coaster, amazing, high-filled journey. It is getting up early (for those of you who know me.. this is TOUGH!) and sacrificing time with my family and friends. It is turning down the damn donuts our Head Brewer brings in almost daily and passing up on that lunch pint (I work for a brewery!).

For the past 4 months I've pretty much kept my celebrations and struggles to myself and my Challenge groups. I think I was afraid to celebrate in "public" because I was (and am) hearing that voice in my head "what if you gain it all back" and "it can't stick too much longer, you'll just slip up again". Damn. That voice is loud.

Meal Prep for weekday lunch fajitas
The food part for me was a first hard, then weird, then easy. Hard because starting anything new is hard- learning the containers, what is approved, portion sizes. That's hard for me. Then it got weird because I was throwing whatever together for meals that were neither tasty or easy. Then easy- I of course used Pinterest and good ole' Google to find recipes and Fix Approved blogs (see the side bar for a few)and got inspiration from Challenge groups. Now the food part is awesome- and fun. I'm actually making really delicious food. I'm not a salad person by nature and am proud to say I have only eaten salad a handful of times. You DO NOT have to eat like a rabbit to be healthy- you CAN have carbs (and should!) and other diet myths I have learned have been exposed and found false with this program.

I hope to inspire folks to begin their own journey- whether it matches mine or not. I hope to show you it isn't easy, but it is worth it. It's not a fast journey, but it is worth it. I'll share what I'm eating each day, workouts I'm doing, tips I'm learning, weird or funny life stories. If you want to make me your BeachBody coach and get started on an amazing program- great. If you want to use me as a resource- even better!

Why Red Rover? I don't know to be honest... I think I've used Red Rover for a while now because I love trying new things, traveling, taking journeys of all types. Red for the hair, obviously- Rover because of the journey.  If you're interested in roving into your own fitness journey with my support reach out to me here. Or check out my BeachBody site. Oh, and for sure follow me on Instagram

**Join my Challenge Group- take a step towards a healthier and happier you. 
Fill out my interest form here
and I'll see you in the group!**